Alert to pray as violent protests spread around the world!

Dear Praying Friends,

No doubt you have been following the news of the death of George Floyd, which was an awful act of police brutality against an unarmed black man in Minneapolis last week. The video of his uncalled-for murder has sparked great outrage, protests, rioting and looting for the last 9-10 days in many cities across the USA. Antifa and Black Lives Matters, are two of the organized radical groups that have entered in to commandeer this protest movement. Both espouse a form of Marxist revolutionary ideology, calling for the destruction of the state, defunding and ending of all police forces, the military, government and the removal of all borders. The “liberation” of America “begins with its death” according to one of their planning strategies. They are seeking to ignite a civil war and hundreds of thousands of Americans, especially youth, are docilely going along thinking this is a struggle for justice when they are actually being manipulated and used for to achieve these radicals’ Marxist endgame. Now, this dangerous movement of rebellion is also spreading and affecting other nations as well. Tonight, I heard that demonstrations have broken out in at least two dozen cities spanning five continents. Please pray for the overthrow of these groups of armed thugs who are supported and paid by George Soros who has been called “the most wicked man in the world”. Let’s agree and pray that he and these provocateurs will be arrested, brought to justice and punished for their sedition and other crimes. 

President Trump is seeking to rally the governors and mayors in all 50 states to crack down on the lawlessness and violence that has ravaged many of our cities that are too much for police to handle. Please pray for him and his administration to have wisdom and strength and that other government officials will act with one heart and mind to stop the carnage that threatens to break out even further. Pray also for his protection since many viciously hate him for his strong stand to guard Judeo-Christian values, the right of the unborn, religious freedom, the U.S. constitution, economic development and prosperity, and protecting the nation’s borders and security.  

I received word from a prayer leader overseas who urgently feels that these Trump haters will now try to assassinate him. On a prayer call today, another raised the concern of the global witchcraft targeting of Trump as occultists usually do when there is a full moon, and this Saturday, June 5, will be a supermoon. Please see the attached announcement and let’s agree in His authority that all occult attempts to curse and come against our political leaders will come to nothing

Another on the prayer call mentioned that the President’s birthday is June 14th, another possible targeting date to harm him. One thing we know is that these radicals are utterly ruthless and would not hesitate to kill anyone resisting their intention of bringing America down. Pray that they will be utterly frustrated, turning on one another as the Lord threw the enemies of ancient Israel into utter confusion, disunity and defeat in Scripture. Instead, may many of the radicals as well as those who are stricken by great fear about the future find Jesus Christ in the midst of their delusion and anxiety. 

Let’s also continue to pray for the cyclone relief effort in India and for the effective reopening of that massive nation as well as other nations wanting to get up and going in what we hope and pray will be the end of the Covid-19 pandemic.  

What a troubling and scary time we have been passing through! However, such developments are added signs that the King is coming. We are not to fear because He told us that when we see such things happen to lift up our heads “because your redemption is drawing near”!   

Thanks for your important role in united prayer as we contend for His purposes in the nations. 

Yours in Christ,


John Robb

International Prayer Council