Emergency Edition of Insight for Intercessors - May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021

NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!

Today was Jerusalem Day … a glorious celebration honoring the reunification of Jerusalem after Israel captured the eastern part of the city (including the Old City and the Wailing Wall) from Jordan in the 1967 Six-Day War. Jerusalem Day is one of my favorite celebrations in the Holy City. The streets are filled with Israeli flag bearing citizens, of all generations, from all over Israel each year. There is always a wonderful flag parade of thousands of people walking through the Jerusalem Streets to the Wailing Wall. Unfortunately, the recent violence on Temple Mount, along with attacks on Jews, and unrest in the eastern part of Jerusalem (surrounding some property conflicts), during these weeks of Ramadan, impacted today’s celebration. The parade route had to be changed at the last minute because of threats. Each night during these weeks of Ramadan, the Arab Moslems have been fired up by speeches about TAKING BACK the Land, and the city of Jerusalem, from the “infidel occupiers” . Their spiritual leaders speak about the requirement of all faithful Moslems to take back the Land and city, or be damned by their deity for not accomplishing that mandate. Jerusalem and the territory of Israel is the property that all of the “faithful to al-Aqsa Mosque” have been told belong to THEIR god. This is not about religious freedom or equity, as many humanists would have us believe. This is a spiritual war at the highest level between the God of Israel and the god of Islam. The Arabs play politics with their aspirations to garner the support of those in the godless, politically-correct, left-wing members of the political spectrum throughout the globe.

Now for the crisis of the hour:

For the past several hours, my cell phone has been blowing up with minute to minute reports of the massive number of rocket attacks going on right now … rockets flying in to Israel from the hands of the terrorists in Gaza. Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Hamas are the main perpetrators of these attacks, but likely other groups are involved as well. So far 7 rockets were fired into Jerusalem. That is a very unusual thing; given the way that past outrages from Moslems in Jerusalem have been expressed through stabbings, arson, ramming, beatings, suicide bombers etc. The concern of terrorist rocket launching teams is that a wayward rocket just might hit the Dome of the Rock or al-Aksa. Allah would NOT like that! I want to outline some points for prayer very quickly and get this emergency update out to you, but will give you a bit of the information that you may want to have first … information that will let you know what is actually going on in Israel. Lamestream media will not tell you the truth.

A few details about today and ongoing activity:

**Over 150 rockets have been fired into Israel in just a few hours (beginning at 6PM Israel time, and are continuing to be launched as I type this message.

**7 of those rockets were fired into Jerusalem

**The Jewish communities near Gaza have been taking a great pounding for hours now.

**The Iron Dome defense system has done a very good job of protecting life and property, but it wasn’t able to stop all the incoming fire.

**Some anti-tank missiles were shot out of Gaza. One of those shells injured 2 Israeli civilians in a passing vehicle.

** The IDF has hit back into Gaza … killing some key Hamas operatives and come weapons caches and launching sites.

**A Hamas terror and troop tunnel were hit by the IDF. Casualty numbers from that blast are unknown, but massive explosions occurred after that hit … indicating a lot of weapons in storage there.

**Hamas has threatened of a much larger attack, if the Israelis hit any infrastructure or Hamas personnel. Too late! The hits have already started and they needed to be made.

**Public shelters have been opened throughout the central and southern portions of the country.

**Hamas and Islamic Jihad are sending up multiple rockets at once in a coordinated effort to overwhelm the Israeli missile defense systems. 12 rockets were fired simultaneously at the city of Ashkelon, but the Iron Dome defense managed to take out 10 of them.

**In addition to the rocket fire, the terrorists in Gaza have been setting fires to forests and to fields, by direct arson or by using balloons sent aloft carrying lit explosives and fuel sources. 250 trees in one area were destroyed earlier today. Acres of Israeli grain, and farmland have been burned.

**There continues to be violence and unrest on Temple Mount and in east Jerusalem.

**Currently, this defensive attack on Gaza right now is being called “THE GUARDIAN OF THE WALLS”. At this point the IDF is not considering an incursion of troops into Gaza, or a full-on military operation. The leadership is suggesting that if this kind of activity from Gaza continues on for more than a week, that might become a reality, eventually.

**Just now, Israel has announced that a direct rocket hit has been made in the Jewish community of Nir Am. One person has been lightly wounded and damage has been inflicted on the home.

**Hamas is announcing at this time that the Israeli police must leave Temple Mount within 2 hours, or a larger attack will be launched.

**Israel has closed the Kerem Shalom crossing into Gaza, as well as the Erez pedestrian crossing. The Gaza fishing zone has been closed as well.



--My suspicion is that part of this attack, by the terrorists, is because the Biden regime has indicated support for the Palestinian cause and has promised funds for the PA which Trump cancelled. In addition, the suggestion that the Biden might cut back on the military funding and supply to Israel (that was established by Trump), has emboldened these terrorists to act. They believe that Biden will turn a blind eye to their aggression, and not resupply Israel.

**Pray that the Lord will apprehend Biden and company, to hold their feet to the fire (actually Biden is probably nothing more than a straw man, while it’s Obama, Harris, Rice, and Soros, who are calling the shots). Deal with them, Lord! YOU, WHO HAVE SEIZED POWER IN THE USA, DON’T BETRAY ISRAEL or set her up for attack!!

**Pray that the US military will stand with Israel and not stand against her if push comes to shove.

**Pray that the Lord will supply Israel’s needs according to His resources.

--The Lord has been suggesting that we keep an eye on the North. This attack strategy and timing could be the manifestation of a very coordinated effort with Iran, Syria, Hizbullah in Lebanon, and others. Israel needs to conserve her defensive missile supply rather than waste it on localized rockets. It’s important for the Iron Dome to take down these incoming rocket threats, but consider what might be afoot by Hamas sending so many flying into Israel right now. It could be a ploy to use up the defensive missiles that will be needed for a full-on war with the north. If the Biden regime will not resupply Israel, she would be in a very bad place in a time of war. This activity in the south of Israel could also be a distraction from what the enemy is setting up at the northern border … something very evil and destructive. Israel must not be distracted or depleted by this Gaza attack operation.

**Pray that the intel of the IDF would be EXCEPTIONAL and very accurate. Pray that they will be aware of any incoming plots and threats from the northern enemies.

**Pray that the Iron Dome operators will be wise and expertly skilled to take down the critical rockets with the Iron Dome counter-attack rockets, but leave the incoming rockets alone if they will hit in an empty territory.

**Pray for supernatural success in accuracy of the Iron Dome and in the David’s Sling technology.

**Pray for the IDF to know EXACTLY where to position and to move their defensive batteries. Keep some at the northern border and elsewhere, according to the leading of the Lord.

**If the Iron Beam technology is up and running, pray that it is powerful and accurate.

--The trauma that is caused by the constant sounding of the air raid sirens and the booms of rockets being intercepted or landing is frightening and draining.

**Please pray against the PTSD (the Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome) that might already be trying to take root in the Jewish hearts and minds.

**Pray for supernatural rest and sleep for the Israelis as the attacks continue throughout the night.

**Pray for the little children that are terrified, and for the adults that have been through this previously and are re-experiencing the past destruction in their minds.

**Pray that the people will heed the sounding of the sirens and immediately take shelter. **Pray against any foolish injuries of death from people wanting to see what is going on outside of their shelter, or to make a video of it for Facebook.

--What goes up, always comes down when it comes to rockets and missiles. Many injuries, some deaths, and much property damage occurs when chunks of intercepted missiles or defensive rockets fall from the sky.

**Pray for the people to stay in their shelters even if the fire seems to be at a distance from their home.

**Pray that they will seek shelter and remain there until the all-clear is sounded. False security and rebellion against wisdom can be deadly.

**Pray for the angels of YHVH to intercept any falling debris and to direct it away from people and property.

--Protect the innocent.

**Pray for the innocent little ones in Gaza to be protected from the trauma and violence.

**Pray for the believers in Gaza to be safe and to have opportunities to speak of Yeshua and His Kingdom to those, who may perish in the conflict.

**Pray for the Jewish Holocaust survivors and for the elderly, who may live alone and not be able to get to a safe room or shelter quickly.

**Pray for protection over the medical, emergency and first responder workers.


GIVEN THAT THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT IS IN A MESS, PRAY THAT THE PEOPLE, WHO NEED TO LEAD, AND WHO ARE APPOINTED BY THE LORD TO LEAD, ARE IN A POSITION TO DO SO. Pray for a sound and Godly government will be put into place soon. If not, pray that the people will cry out to YHVH for HIM to take over all the affairs of Israel.

Given that the rocket alarm program on my cell phone is again sounding notices of increasing rocket launches into Israel, I will close this now and get this message to you, so that you can raise up the intercession. In the last five minutes, 43 new rocket launches have taken place. PRAY! I will keep you informed as I am able.

THANK YOU FOR PRAYING! If you find any typos in my haste, please forgive them and correct them.

