Insight for Intercessors - April 7, 2021



April 7, 2021

NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!


As many of you are becoming increasingly aware, the battle against evil has intensified. Keep in mind that we are MORE THAN CONQUERORS IN THE MESSIAH, YESHUA! In the course of successful spiritual war, there are injuries and losses for the righteous. This is just part of being in battle. However, the Lord uses our pain and trials to take us to a new, higher, level of authority. Things are speeding up on YHVH’s time clock. Breakthroughs are on the way. The spiritual intensity now has become palpable. The weight of the oppression weighing down upon the world is increasing. The good news is that the sphere of operations, being conducted by evil forces, is being compressed by the coming glory of the Lord. That approaching glory is part of the weight which we are feeling. Almost 18 years ago, while I was in Jerusalem, the Lord took me into a night vision that has remained resident within my spirit as a promise of hope. I want to share it with you now … for the time is now.

In the vision, I was looking at planet earth from a distance. My view was from a distance a bit farther away than the expanse that separates the earth and our moon. From that vantage point, I could clearly see planet earth. Surrounding it, I could see a cloud of light grayness … much like dust … completely encompassing the planet. Within seconds, the scene changed a bit. Now the gray cloud had formed a band surrounding our world. It had become a darker shade of gray. Suddenly the vision changed again. Now the gray band was denser, and darker; but now it as a much narrower band. Just beyond that band of darkness was a pale golden light surrounding that darkness, like a layer. Another scene change brought the golden light into the formation of a deeper and brighter golden band that was many times broader than the now dark and very narrow black zone, now touching every surface of the earth. A final scene change revealed that the intensely black band was completely gone, and the golden light surrounding the earth, was now a very wide, brilliant, and all-encompassing band. It was touching the whole earth with no darkness to be seen. When I asked the Lord what all this meant, He explained that I was seeing something that would happen to our world in the near future. Evil would encompass the globe … at first as a defuse gray cloud. As time passed, that evil would intensify and deepen. However, it’s sphere of operations would gradually become compressed; making its appearance darker and more threatening. He wanted me to see that as the darkness became bolder and much darker, it would be because the Light (which was the glory of the Lord) would be pressing on it and compressing it; decreasing its freedom of movement, even though it would not appear that way to the occupants of the planet. It would feel as if the darkness was taking over everything and crushing our world. When YHVH would be done compressing evil, and imposing His glory and holiness against it, the evil forces would be defeated; enabling the Great Harvest of Souls to burst across the globe unimpeded. He warned me that it would seem that evil was winning as time went on, and as evil began to seize greater power and assert obvious influence. He said that the righteous would be oppressed for a season, and that truth would be overruled by lies … but that we should keep in mind that there is a definitive number of fallen angels and demons that war against us. During that time of battle, it would seem that power and the numbers of the evil forces were increasing … i.e. more demons per cubic inch, due to the compression being imposed by the coming glory. The number of YHVH’s forces would always be greater than satan’s. Additionally, His promise to us, His children, remains … i.e. that the darkness would never overcome the Light. He told me to take courage and to persevere in the darkening days; encouraging others. He said to stand in confidence in the days of dark battle; being confident that the intensifying level of evil is a sign to us that the glory of the Lord will soon cover the earth as the water covers the sea.

For the past few nights, the Lord has had me be awake during the wee hours of the morning. I have taken communion on behalf of the tortured and trapped little ones, who are now in the hands of Luciferian forces. He has me communing on behalf of those locked in prisons or in hiding because of their faith. These believers, suffering for the sake of the Kingdom, would very like to partake of the wine and unleavened bread, but may never again have that opportunity on the earth. It was my honor to stand in for them. I prayed for the righteous warriors that are enacting very difficult and dangerous rescue missions in this hour. I prayed for their strength, their success, and for their endurance. I asked that YHVH would give to all those (on whose behalf I was taking the wine and bread) the joy, the peace, the strength, and all the blessings that I was experiencing from His presence in that moment. Then, I would pray in the Spirit for an hour or two, interceding, crying out, making war, raising up heart cries for His intervention to bring forth His harvest with the defeat of evil.

While this is a very difficult season of the earth, it is also a marvelous time We have been chosen for living in such a time as this. The Lord is closest to those, who suffer. He is our ever-present help in times of trouble … and we certainly have suffering and trouble right now. It appears that the dark band of evil has consumed the earth, but that is not the truth. The Lord is speaking to His people very clearly now, so that we can feel His love and support to boost our strength and to give us great hope in this battle. Before I close this note, and send you this writing, I want to share with you an amazing prophetic rhema that YHVH gave to me three days ago. I felt the strength of the Holy Spirit entering into my weary body as He was giving this word to me. Please feel free to share this message broadly. Permission is granted, so that many will be uplifted. Be encouraged. Be at peace.

In Him,


Rhema Word … 4.4.2021

Given to His servant, Kolyah

“Your heart is greatly burdened, little ones. It is indeed overwhelming to realize the level of evil that has descended upon your world, and come into your social structures like a hidden cancer bringing death. You wonder why you didn’t smell the stench of this satanic infiltration years ago. Only now has it risen to the level, and acquired the sufficient number of recruits to serve as operatives and advocates in high positions, to become obvious to you. For years, the potential whistle blowers have been quickly silenced before they could sound the alarm. My faithful prophets have been shunned, mocked, and ignored, because their words lacked ‘the necessary proof’ in the assessments of the arrogant ignorant. Do you see the proof coming forth now? The media and the narratives have been so controlled, and their messages so tightly and deceitfully formulated, that truth has been nearly impossible to see or hear, apart from the input of My Spirit. Now that the truth is emerging, the horror of it all is beginning to appear as well. Are you ready to have the deep truth of evil operations exposed in your nations? As your minds and hearts recoil at the horror of it all, what will you do in the face of such implanted wickedness in your world?

Truly, your heart would like to know why I have allowed this cancer to grow, and to spread for so many years. How is it possible that your loving Abba would stand by while the innocent little ones were being deceived, entrapped, captured, tortured and killed? How could I allow fallen angels and demons to invade your world, and to bring wicked technologies to destroy both My dear children and this earth? If this is My world, and the possession of My authority, why would I tolerate this kind of invasion and takeover of My creation? There are legal spiritual contracts which were established between the fallen angels and human beings. Binding, empowered, contracts were established through valid human free will, and sealed in blood. These wicked contracts were supported, and enabled to prosper, because the unknowing ignorant ones, along with the arrogant and greedy ones, came into agreement with satanic pride and rebellion. By agreeing to grant license to evil, they added the power of their own free will to help establish the clandestine strongholds that now control major operations within your nations. This present world system is the result of the handiwork of satan. It is complete with deceitful and bold strategies to defeat, and to countermand, My way, will, and word. I could easily destroy all the wickedness, but as a Redeemer and as a Great Father, I want My children to see the error of their foolish and rebellious ways. I want My little ones to recognize the pain of their consequences, so that in awakening, and in turning away from evil, they defeat and reject it with a whole heart. Evil is defeated, and also greatly humiliated, when My human children arise up against the wickedness in the authority, which I have given them to wield. Satan mocks My human creation as being easily compromised in spirit, and also fickle and flimsy in soul. Apart from Me, that is true. But when My own are connected to their destiny, and operating in the power and authority that I endowed to them, living in conjunction with Me, they are mighty conquerors of evil. You have not personally seen the heights of the holy authority, nor the depths of evil’s defeat by it; but soon you shall see it upon the earth.

This rebellion, this war, has been going on since the beginning of time. There have been victories and defeats on both sides. However, there has never been a global victory, achieved through My children of Light, as there shall soon be seen upon the earth. Did I not tell you that it would APPEAR that the Children of Righteousness would be losing the war in the end of days? Did I not tell you that My children of Light would arise suddenly as never before, and do exploits as never seen? That hour is fast approaching. I WILL HAVE MY HARVEST! The Evil One will have a defeat that, up to this time, will be second only to the one that I accomplished through the crucifixion, death and resurrection of your Messiah. That victory, which was satan’s ultimate defeat, came as a complete surprise to him. The coming great battle with My sons and daughters of Light, in these final years, is one that he knows will appear; but it is one that his pride has convinced him, he will win. He has trained and assembled his forces very well. He has filled the intellects of human beings with the technologies and strategies from his evil realm. He has put multitudes into crippling, subservient, bondage through lies; prospering dread fear. These evil things appear to give him an advantage in his quest to seize and to destroy this world and My children. But He has never seen what I will do through My Forces and through My Family. My Chosen Remnant Army is coming into unity, into the revelations, and into the new weaponry of My Spirit, which I have reserved for this hour. Those, who know My secret grant of a seven-fold restitution due to theft … extended to, and to be claimed by, those who bear losses from evil attacks … are about to apply that power, to the horror of these enemies. Even now, the increasing pulse and the arising heartbeat of My Gathering Forces are disquieting those empowered by darkness. They greatly fear the light of exposure, but even more they dread the light that can shred their darkness and utterly crush their power. They have poured out great threats and terrible lies to discourage and to frighten My children. However, the Remnant Army of the Redeemed has not caved in, nor back up in the face of these ploys. Rather, their hearts have become more steadfast and determined, as these threats have pulled them closer to My heart, and to My mind, where their own hearts and minds are being prepared and steadied. Unity is gathering together the once divided ranks of My own.

What is true, little one? What is fiction? Only I will be able to give you that revelation. Seek Me every day as your Counselor and Captain. Those, who try to stand in their own intellect, strength, understanding, and armor of soul will be unable to stand. They will be swept away in the overwhelming flood of disclosure that is about to come forth. The Father of Lies has clearly deceived the multitudes on every level and in every position of human life on the earth. Whole nations have been deceived. Expect more shakings, for more are necessary. Harsh consequences are coming to awaken the sleeper and the deceived. Far too many still sleep … some self-medicating through delusions of comforting fantasy … some putting their trust in untrustworthy human ‘saviors’, as if they are good, wise, and true. I need to My children to see how deeply they have been in satanic bondage. I need them to see how far off the path of truth and righteousness they have wondered. They must come to see that those very appealing, Godless ones, whom they have trusted and admired, are monsters behind the veneer. Because the populations have not sought after truth, but only after comfort, prosperity and pleasing promises from power brokers, they must now see, who they have endorsed and empowered to make the determinations that impact their lives; involving their very life and death. I was to be the first consideration in all things. I was to be the Source and the Way to be blessed and kept secure. Trusting in human beings is risky. Trusting in human accomplices with evil is deadly in body, in soul, and in spirit. My children must come to clearly see the truth of this reality. Their admiration of idols must be shattered. Their love of wickedness must have the opportunity to bear some of its painful fruit to bring forth a harvest of truth in their lives. Too many have rejected My word, My wisdom, My ways and My true servants. Too many have satisfied a demonic appetite to determine their own independent, self-serving, course, apart from Me. As a result, they have wondered into minefields, and fallen into a great trap, which is hanging over a deep pit. Unless I rescue, there is no hope for restoration and wholeness for your world. Unless My children come to see the horrors that their rebellion has prospered, they will not come to understand how deeply they have been deceived and bound … or how desperately they need Me to save them. Without seeing the horrors, they would continue to live in sin, delusions, and excuses. They have participated in deep sin. They must know it and turn back to Me. That is why I allow losses in some of the battles. That is why I allow things to come to critical mass, where there is no hope to be found except in Me.

Some of My dear warriors are being battered. Some are being exhausted. It feels as if you are swimming against an unrelenting current; pounding against you. Will I allow you to drown in this overwhelming flood of evil? No! Even as a swimmer often needs to do endurance and strength training by swimming against a strong current, so do you need to prepare spiritually and in soul. It may feel as if you are going nowhere, and never gaining ground; but you are gaining much. As you press on and hold fast to your faith and resolve, you are gaining spiritual muscle. You may not be aware of the changes yet, but soon you will. Your heart capacity for passion, courage and love is increasing. It must be this way, in order for you to be steadfast against the emerging horrors. Compassion must arise, for many of those, who have been bound, will be in great distress. Rather than rebuking the victims for having been so blind, you must gather them up in your arms and carry them to Me, so that I may recreate them. As the battle increases, you will need more spiritual, mental, and physical strength to apply against the enemy assaults. I will make you more than sufficient for the challenge. Even now I have you in training against the strong currents of wickedness.

You say, ‘How long, oh Lord!!??’ I am hearing you. I am not ignoring you. At the same time, I choose not to show My hand before the set time. The downfall of evil will be far greater when My hand moves without warning. The humiliation of the Evil One will be so much greater, when My human army sweeps his feet, dispossesses him of their nation’s territory, and cuts off his agenda through the brilliant exposure of My light.

Not all of those, who declare My name as their Lord, will stand. Many will shun the training exercises. Many will fail to see the traps of the enemy, and thus will walk right into them. So many will mock and condemn My Remnant Army; regarding them as alarmists, as troublemakers, and as destabilizers of all that is true, right, just, and good. However, endure My little faithful ones! Persevere in love, in hope and in faith. Your obedience will be a mighty weapon in My hand. I will distinguish you among the masses. I will honor you, as My trust in you proves to be justified.

I know you are weary and feeling the weight of evil all around you. Withdraw into Me when you are depleted, but stay connected to Me. Make that your top priority, so that you will not be seriously depleted by the strain of life in this hour. Fortify your hearts and minds in My truth. Pray in the Spirit continually. You will be facing many key decisions. Assume nothing, but seek My counsel for everything. I will lead you to the correct choices. I will entrust to you precious truth that others may never realize until the battle is over. Do not resist the training, nor curse the tide and current, which is rising up against you. Stay focused upon Me. These difficult things are serving My purposes in you. Soon you will come to know that. Encourage each other until the hour of deliverance comes. These are precious days wherein the victory is being set into place … being readied for delivery upon the earth in My precise moment.

Praise Me! What is about to happen will glorify My name, even as it will vindicate you. Stay with My plan. Stay in My love. Stay the course. You will soon see where your faithfulness to Me has taken you. Soon you will know how I used YOU to bring forth My glory in your world’s hour of great deliverance.”