
December 18, 2020

NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!


I have tried several times to write this publication in the past two days. I’ve had a constant flow of texts, calls, and conversations with people around the world, as the vaccines have been rolled out, and as more and more credible evidence (of treason and fraud) have been released in regard to the US elections (and in other state dealings). People are asking: “What should we do?” “What is going to happen?” “What is God saying?” “Will this drama ever end?” “Are we about to see violence and marital law come to the USA?” “Has COVID 20 and 21 really been released into our atmosphere?” Those are all areas of sincere concern for many people, but the answers for most of those questions are still being held silently in the hand of the Lord. The inquiry about the new viral elements being released is, YES. That has happened. The elite met in October, and apparently decided that the sufficient levels of fear and surrender (to the global reset) had not yet been accomplished. There wasn’t enough panic and death … and not enough destruction of independent businesses, nor of personal wealth for the common folks. These things are necessary in order to convince the people to hand over their freedom and rights, i.e. to be saved from destruction, by the imposition of a single, Marxist, global governance for all. Therefore, they decided that a greater expanse of lockdowns, losses, and dread must come forth to satisfy their wicked agenda. Meanwhile, YHVH is leading us, and telling us, that all is well within His plan, but at the same time, admonishing us to be strong and to prepare for more shakings. One might ask Him: “Lord, haven’t we had ENOUGH shaking already?” The answer would be, “No, not yet.” There is still much to be shaken out. There are still too many people, who call themselves Christian, but who have no relationship with YHVH, nor any revelation about the truth of His word, or about what is really happening in our world. Their humanistic grids, having been fortified by the media propaganda and spin, have them standing on the wrong side of YHVH on these issues/developments. In this, there is still much repentance to come forth from the professed church and its leaders. Unless there is more shaking, many will continue to live in the same social religion, and in the same delusions; blindly or opportunistically cheering for the wrong agendas, and supporting the wrong players. In essence, they are standing against YHVH, and against His word. That must change. All this shaking MUST happen, exactly as it is now unfolding. More than ever, we need to draw in closely to the Lord and ABIDE IN HIM. We are about to see the Lord’s hand move in ways that we have never seen, imagined, nor experienced, before. What will be exposed as the true reality may be a bit shocking … even terrifying … to see. Lock down your heart in His truth and resolve to endure. Walk in His victory, regardless of circumstances.

The news coming out of Israel is not very good. Let’s look at a couple of issues in need of our intercession.

**The nation appears to be heading for yet another election to set up a new government. You can be certain that the global leftists will have their prize, well-trained, horses running in this race. Some may even be fired up on satanic spiritual “steroids” to appear like super men/women … saying all the right things, and convincing the people that they can “deliver” when others can’t. Likely there will be a great deal of manipulation and sleight of hand to change the course of Israel into an even more Humanistic nation … further away from the law and the blessing of YHVH … more like the rest of the humanistic nations. Leviathan has been all too successful in Israel. The spin against truth … accompanied by the fear, anger, and frustration that has been implanted in the nation (much of it through the Covid scenario) … has put many Israelis in the mindset (including believers in Yeshua) that ANYONE would be better than Bibi Netanyahu at the helm of this nation. Sounds like the familiar blaming/accusatory “never-Trump” tactic, doesn’t it? Same authors! Honestly, Bibi has failed in some ways. He tried to walk an unholy tightrope with the ultra-religious, to stay in power at one point, and then tried to walk with left-leaners, who work tirelessly to replace him on the other hand. It’s created a mess. And be clear! The various “trumped up” legal charges against this man were created by the same global elite council that set up the Trump “Russian collusion” lies. The legal system and the security officials are complicit in the scenario. The media players have done a terrific job of demonizing this man in the minds and hearts of the multitudes. Too few understood the “game” that was being played against Israel through these tactical, deceptive, emotion-inflaming moves. Too few “get it”, even now! Currently, there are politicians making unholy alliances in order to create a coalition that will lock Bibi out of the government. If the Lord wants him to step back, then that is what needs to happen. Bibi will have another role to play. However, if stepping back puts Israel into a season of far greater risk … especially of falling more deeply into the traps/grasp of the one world global powers … I would not want that to happen. We must be praying fervently. I’m confident that Netanyahu could use a long vacation. He has done amazing things for Israel, but so many have forgotten how far the Lord brought Israel, through Bibi’s leadership and service. Pray that the Lord encourages him and takes him by the hand in this difficult time of transition and shaking. Pray for Bibi’s replacement to step forward, and that he/she will be filled with a love for YHVH, and a love for the nation of Israel … a person of faith, wisdom, character, Godly morality, and courage.

--Pray for the Lord to take this election into His hands.

--Pray that the government HE has chosen comes to power. Pray that it will bring a blessing that awakens Israel into her destiny, rather than taking the nation into a deeply painful stretch of bearing severe consequences; arising from making increasingly rebellious choices, and encouraging perversions that now are popular culture in the nation … even mandated or sanctioned by the government itself.

--Pray for true and just election … free from fraud.

--Pray that all unholy alliances, connections, and contracts that would be harmful to Israel (and deceiving the people) will be exposed well in advance of election day.

-- Pray that outside, international, meddling in this election will be thwarted this time around. Interference, as well as infusions of financial and strategic support to globalist/Marxist candidates, has played a huge part in past elections.

--Pray that the Covid issues won’t put Israel into the corrupt mail-in ballot mess that the USA got into.

--Pray for the election of Godly and WISE, HONEST Knesset candidates to run in this election. Pray that they can be found and will have the courage to stand forth.

--Pray that the Left will not be able to make successful coalitions with the Arab List; giving the anti-Israel, pro-Islamic Arab parties more power in determining the laws and the course of this nation.

--Pray for the Lord to remove from power, all those, who need to be replaced. If the unholy ones will not be defeated by the votes of the people, pray that the Lord will apply other means to remove them.

**The Covid vaccine has arrived in Israel and the vaccination program of the population has commenced. With the numbers of test positives for Covid increasing … creating a “case-demic, rather than a true massive disease epidemic with lots of death … the government is bringing in more stringent controls and calling for expansive vaccination of the public. This is SOOOO wrong and so dangerous on so many accounts. In past writing, I’ve shared with you the significance of the fact that this illness is largely, and easily, recoverable for the vast majority of the people. A test positive does not mean illness. We have medicines now to knock it down. Allowing or natural herd immunity is the best way to deal with this kind of pathogen. It’s a horrible thought that ANYONE would agree to ANY vaccination program recommended and backed by Bill Gates (a eugenicist, who believes in depopulation of the planet (who is on record saying that forced global vaccinations could reduce excess population) … who has no medical background at all … and whose vaccination programs in Africa, Pakistan and India in past years, have maimed and killed so many. (Check out the history to find the proof). Furthermore, researchers have tried for many years to create an RNA vaccination against the common cold virus, and against other corona viruses, only to find out that they were completely unsuccessful/unacceptable because of the terrible side effects, and because of their limited positive impact. I consider it a crime against humanity for these pharmaceutical companies to release these vaccines without doing ANY animal testing on any of them. All the past RNA vaccines were rejected because of the horrific physical impacts of disability and death in the test animals. So why is it OK to now use human beings as the test animals in a heretofore untested vaccine? Not only that, but to begin by vaccinating health care workers and first responders … and then the military personnel … on a wholesale basis … without knowing how it will impact them now, and, in the future, is stupid!!! Who wants these people to be disabled? Is it possibly the same people, who cooked up this virus, and who released it to the populations, so that they could gain control? Some research physicians have said that the proteins in this vaccine will cause pregnant women to spontaneously abort, and fertile women to become sterile. Does that sound a bit like population control to you? Where is the truth and wisdom in all this? The nonsensical hype, designed to create fear through disinformation, is driving this massive vaccination effort. Bibi Netanyahu received the vaccine on television to encourage the people to participate (in the USA, VP Pence did as well). Will Bibi be blamed for the losses of life and function when they occur; given that he promoted the vaccinations? The pharm companies making these vaccines have been freed from having any liability if the vaccines cause death, harm, and loss. Additionally, some of these companies are not being required to submit any reports of death and disability, arising from the vaccines, until 2 years from now. Why hide the truth for 2 years? Who is wise, truly informed, and in leadership that would ever agree to those terms? Why has it been reported that the UK Health officials have said it is important to have resuscitation equipment on hand when giving these vaccinations? It’s because some people have had such horrible reactions that they needed that equipment applied in order to survive. It has also been reported that some have not survived. This whole issue must be approached and covered with prayer. When we are acting in obedience to the call of the Lord, in service to Him, we can be bitten by deadly vipers and not be harmed … or have deadly poison slipped into our drink, and not be harmed. Scripture tells us that. If we choose to participate in something deadly, without the direct command of the Lord, will we have that same protection? Hummmm … surely this must be taken to the Lord for His word on it. Anything driven by fear always serves the plans of the Enemy. Holy fear, which is the awe of YHVH, moves usto do what is right. The Holy Spirit leads us, but never drives us. We must discover the motivations for these steps that are being taken … not only in Israel, but in all of our nations. We must seek the face of the Lord regarding how to respond to both the threats, as well as to the strategies being given to us by men to mitigate those threats.

--Pray for the Lord to release the Spirit of Truth over this whole COVID scenario in Israel and throughout the world.

--Pray that the people will have a desire for, an appetite for, and an understanding of the truth … and that they will be able to handle truth wisely, with discernment and with prudence when it is given to them. Pray for the truth to be clear and pure … and recognizable.

--Pray for Godly, courageous, truth-tellers, and credible whistle-blowers, to arise with clear voices and with the appropriate stage to share the honest and documented realities of these vaccines, and the Covid agenda, with the world.

--Pray for the people to recognize those people, who are truly trustworthy … and to reject the untrustworthy

--Pray to bind down the spirit of Fear and the spirit of Gullibility that are operating in the people.

--Pray to bind down the spirits of Lies and Deception, which have been given center stage in this scenario.

--In that fear often causes people to blindly trust in human beings, who promise resolution and protection, pray that the fear, in the hearts/minds of the people, will cause them to turn to the Lord … and to be suspicious of ungodly men offering their solutions and making their controlling demands

--Ask YHVH to rebuke the principalities of Leviathan, Jezebel, Baal, and Apollyon as they are seeking to control the children of YHVH, and to bring them to total destruction.

--Pray for YHVH to arise and to express HIS SOVERIGN AUTHORITY over these wicked agendas, and their perpetrators. There is ONE GOD, and His name is YHVH … not the WHO, GATES, SOROS, The World Economic Forum, etc.

--Pray for Bibi Netanyahu to be protected from the harmful effects of the vaccine injected into him. Pray for any electronic nanos, contained in that injection, to be prevented from functioning within him.

--Pray for the Messianic leaders in Israel, as well as all the rabbis in Israel, to hear from the Lord about these vaccines and about the source and purpose of Covid 19, 20, and 21.

--Pray that the spiritual leaders in Israel will call for prayer and fasting by the people … as well as for repentance … so that these threats will be eliminated by the merciful hand of YHVH. Pray that the Holy Spirit will move upon Bibi Netanyahu, so that he will call a national day of prayer for fasting and repentance before the Lord.

--Pray for the Lord to intervene in this vaccination program. Pray that the negative effects that would eventually come forth, will appear NOW/immediately … and be obvious to the point that they cannot be hidden or denied. The evil must be seen to be understood and believed.

--Pray for the Lord to protect the innocent and the little ones, who are having these vaccines thrust upon them without their will or understanding.

--Pray for all parents to be wise and discerning when it comes to these matters. They must hear from the Lord on behalf of their children and families.

--Pray for the Lord to provide a means of escape from the vaccine mandates for His people, who must not receive these vaccinations.

--Pray for courageous voices to arise in the medical community to speak out about the true side-effects they are seeing … as well as to present the truthful research, and to reveal the actual non-kosher ingredients that are hidden within these vaccines.

--Pray for the people to unite, as the Lord leads, to raise an effective and powerful voice of refusal as the Lord indicates. If non-compliance is the course to take, pray that the Lord will reveal it, orchestrate it, time it, and prosper it. Pray for the people to have the courage and the faith to come into alignment with the Lord’s escape plan.

--Finally, pray that the Lord will sovereignly strike down this agenda and the reality of the pandemic and vaccinations. If His hand come down, or if He speaks a single word, this Covid threat will immediately disappear. All glory to the Lord!! That, would set the global Luciferians way back in their game plan, and sweep their feet in the present day.

Rather than to continue now, I will close this writing and give you a list of websites to visit for exploring a number of various topics, if you chose to do so. Many readers are asking for insight into the US election. Those sites will be included. Keep in mind that best source of information is YHVH and His word through the Holy Spirit. Back away from the news sources, and focus on the Kingdom “Source” when you begin feeling distressed, burdened, or fearful. I am continuing to compose a follow-up to my 12.12.20 publication about the Maccabees against the Syrian Greeks. As I am able to complete that in my busy schedule, I will get it to your inbox. Meanwhile, please cover me as I continue to seek the word of the Lord and His insight for us in this season of the earth. There is so much to sort out, and so much counter-pressure being applied to those of prophetic gifting/calling. The Enemy doesn’t want us seeking the truth, acquiring the truth, or sharing the truth. The battle is fierce, but we are being upheld and prospered by our Mighty and All-Powerful YHVH!

Stay well, and stay IN HIM,



Medical solutions to COVID-19

Rare alignment in the heavens will produce the Bethlehem star starting the 21st.

End COVID lockdowns, say over 49,000 doctors and scientists

Former Israeli health minister questions the validity of the COVID strategies

The evidence in a nutshell

The persecution of Christians and bible-believers will burst on the scene if the election steal is allowed to stand:

The horrific, occultic Vatican nativity scene for 2020

90-year-old Canadian lady, committed suicide rather than to face another lockdown

Prophetic dream from Veronica West … discern

Sweet testimony that you won’t hear in the news

Beautiful story and song

Leak of CCP members list throughout the world

Song, I WILL PRAISE YOU IN THE STORM … by Casting Crowns

Covid truth in actual facts:

Facebook’s (Zuckerberg’s) money was used to pervert the election.

Chanukah song, with Bibi singing in duet