Insight for Intercessors - June 7-8, 2021



June 7-8, 2021

NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!


I probably don’t have to tell you that Israel is constantly being slandered in the global press, with the goal that the Jews will continually be seen in a negative light. The media powers and institutions of the nations are still trying to make Hamas look like a victim of Israeli “overkill” during the recent Operation Guardian of Walls. No matter what Israel does, the world denies Israel the credit for great things the Jews have done, while charging Israel with imaginary bad things; fabricated out of anti-Semitism, so that Israel is never allowed to win. This week I was reminded of a joke that is told in Israel to illustrate this reality. Here it is, so that you can enjoy a bit of a chuckle, but also understand what Israel constantly has to deal with.

An Israeli on vacation in NY is visiting the Bronx Zoo on a rainy day when he sees a little boy slip & fall into the lion’s den. Suddenly, the lion charges the boy and is about to maul him, right under the eyes of his screaming parents.

The Israeli leaps into the den and hits the lion right on the nose with a powerful Krav Maga punch. Whimpering, the stunned lion jumps back, and the Israeli carries the terrified child to his parents, who thank him profusely.

A New York Times reporter happened to be watching the whole event. The reporter says to the Israeli: “Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I’ve ever seen anyone do in my life.” The Israeli replies, “Thank you very much but it was my duty. I saw that little boy in terrible danger and I had to do something.”

The reporter says, ‘Well, I’ll make sure this doesn’t go unnoticed. I’m a reporter, and tomorrow’s paper will have this on the front page. So, what country are you from anyway? And what do you do for a living?” The Israeli replies, “Oh, I’m from Israel and serve in the IDF.

The next morning the Israeli buys the NY Times to check out the article on the front page, and the headline reads: “ISRAELI SOLDIER ASSAULTS AFRICAN IMMIGRANT AND STEALS HIS LUNCH.”

**Pray for the Jewish people … particularly the Israelis … to understand that their approval and their identity is found only in YHVH.

**Pray for their hearts to be strengthen, and their minds to be kept from surrendering to the demands of those, who seek to do them reputational harm, and to disenfranchise them through lies … or even to kill them.

**Pray that the good and wonderful things that the Jews have contribute to the world … and the righteous ways that the Israelis deal with their enemies … will be affirmed by heaven, even if they are condemned from the international community upon the earth. They must not change course or accommodate evil.

**Praise the Lord for the resilient spirit in the Israelis, that helps them to laugh in the face of oppression, lies, and unfairness. Continue to sustain the Israelis and keep them. REVEAL YOURSELF TO THEM, LORD!

While Israel seems to be unable to truly WIN in international approval assessments, right now the country is so divided, and making such poor decisions on some fronts, that the leaders seem to be shooting themselves in the foot. At the very least they keep backing themselves into some bad corners by their posturing, rhetoric, and power moves. Right now, we have three very urgent situations on the front burners, and one simmering on the back burner.

1: COVID-19 and the jab

80% of the adult Israeli population has already taken the experimental gene therapy that is being called a vaccine. The Health Dept. declared that herd immunity has been achieved, so that people can now stop wearing masks outside, and forget about needing Green Passes to have accessibility to public and commercial services/activities. Given those developments, the Health agencies have now authorized that children from ages 12-15 are free to be lined up to receive the jab. WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE THEY DOING??? What a totally STUPID and DANGEROUS thing to allow … let alone recommend! The facts are these: Children, with healthy immune systems have very light cases of the virus, is they get it at all. Children DO NOT DIE of Covid-19 unless they are already sick with pre-existing conditions, and are delayed in receiving treatment. A new study released by the Israeli Health Department shows that 21% of children from ages 0-16 years have been found to already HAVE natural antibodies against coronavirus. Natural antibodies are non-specific (giving a broader range of protection from other viruses or variants), and are, therefore, far better than any specific antibodies that they hope to be created by vaccines, but are yet unproven. The natural antibodies endure and are effective for years. The makers of the vax jab have already said that booster shots must be given every 6 months to maintain immunity. Given that these mRNA vax formulas/technologies were tested in 2005 and 2011 on animals … and then subsequently rejected from human use, because so many of the test animals (ferrets) were made sterile, disabled, or died when they were exposed to the wild virus outside of the lab … and given that the current vaxes have not gone through animal testing, nor had ANY long term side-effect trials … everyone being injected with this gene therapy is the population of actual lab rats that will eventually prove whether these jabs are safe and effective. Would you have your children jabbed, given that truth? NO ONE WOULD! But few are being told the truth. Neither safety nor effectiveness have been proven and certified to this moment. The FDA NEVER certified these formulas as safe and effective. They never approved them for general distribution, let alone to children. These formulas were given an EMERGENCY USE status without being actually approved as safe or effective. The emergency use status was to be given ONLY in the case of deadly illness, with mass causalities, and with no effective medications available to mitigate the illness. None of those conditions existed for Covid-19, so it should NEVER have received this Emergency Use status. There are very safe, effective, and readily available medications to cure the illness, which can also be used effectively as prophylactics (i.e. zinc, vitamin D3, hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, etc.). The level of lies, and the constant distribution of the propaganda directed against truth and wisdom, is immoral to the maximum.

Now consider these latest statistics that have been accumulated in the USA following the administration of these experimental gene jabs.

COVID vaccines have been reported to have a combined injury report of more than 200,000 adverse reactions/events, and 4,201 deaths as of May 14, 2021. These numbers, very possibly, reflect only about 10% of the actual cases of death, loss of health, and disability, because of failures to report, and because vax advocates refuse to connect the dots that would surely cause the cancellation of this massive vax agenda. (I find it horrifically ironic that the luciferian orchestrators of this crisis, hugely inflated the death and infection rates of the fake pandemic, from the beginning, to get everyone in a panic, and now they are lowering and hiding the number of casualties from the vax, to keep the deception rolling onward.) Looking back to 1976, we see the swine flu vaccine was introduced to the population; producing the deaths of about 80 people out the of 40-45 million, of those who received that vaccine. The swine flu vaccine program was halted for those 80 deaths. It was deemed to be too dangerous to the public for the vaccine campaign to continue. If we currently have 4,201 COVID vaccine deaths, that means the death rate from this vaccine is already more than 50 times higher than the rate that shut down the 1976 program, for being unsafe and too risky to continue. Now if that isn’t clear enough evidence to stop this insanity, viewing the latest COVID infection reports worldwide, will make it abundantly clear that this vax program MUST BE STOPPED. While the global luciferian elite, who are in charge of the world health agencies and pharmaceutical companies, prophesied that there would be new deadly variants coming, they were foreshadowing what would really be taking place at their hands. Before the vaccines were distributed in countries around the world, the infection rates, and death rates, had flatlined; indicating that the pandemic had ended naturally on its own. After the vaccines were being given, the infection rates, hospitalization rates, and death rates began to rise in ALL COUNTRIES. Why? This was not about new strains. The people becoming ill were those, who took the jab, or who were likely shedding it; infecting those un-vaxed people around them with that toxic protein … not the virus. The symptoms are the same, because it is the spike protein that causes the physical crisis in those ill with the virus. The spike protein in the vax is proving to be a toxic protein that initiates illness, and triggers an overwhelming immune response from the artificial, DNA restructuring, by the mRNA coding. Countless heart inflammations and heart attacks are occurring in people … especially in the young people. Blood clots from platelet aggregation, or bleeding out from platelet destruction, has caused strokes, pulmonary embolisms, etc. Neuromuscular damage is occurring and loss of mental or physical function. So why in the world is Israel continuing the vax program and now moving to jab kids from age 12-15? These Covid decisions defy all common sense, all real science, all morality, and all medical ethics. Of all nations in the world, Israel should be leading the world in truth and in wholeness. Through Israel’s leaders allowing this to continue (and for that matter, for all the leaders throughout the globe who are in lockstep with this globalist agenda) we are being shown how far the reach, and how tight the grasp of the global luciferian cabal really goes on nations and leadership. The whole pharmaceutical industry is locked up and owned by the elite. Many physicians and scientists are now saying, “This vaccine program is a campaign to depopulate the world.” And sadly, the people … the very nation of the people, who were slaughtered in the Holocaust, are leading the pack in self-destruction/genocide of themselves. The Lord MUST intervene, or when the seasonal flu begins in the Fall, we could have massive numbers of people dying … not from the virus, but from the nano programming of self-destruction that has been injected into millions of people. And given that this spike protein, which is in the injection, attacks the ovaries and the testes, as well as the placentas … impacting human reproduction of millions of people … young people in particular will likely be infertile as a result of this unnecessary “experimental jab”. GOD HELP US! The elite used the media to shame people into believing the agenda without question; cowering in fear of being mocked and labeled “conspiracy theorists”. Well, it is a TRUE CONSPIRACY of the evilest form, and yet millions are still attacking truth tellers and actual science, because to believe the truth they speak is just too terrifying. They have successfully embedded the lie in human minds and hearts, that taking the jab is a sign of care and love toward others. In other words, they have successfully cast the false image that the selfish, and the unloving ignorant folks, are the ones refusing to take the shot … thus foolishly imperiling the rest of human civilization. All the while, the luciferian elite know full well, that they are the ones, who are orchestrating a culling of the herd THROUGH promoting and mandating these destructive injections. The wise and loving people are refusing it; most often through the leading of the Holy Spirit. The globalists have used censorship to try to hide the truth of all this, but the Lord is causing truth to break through. We must pray everything out into the light NOW.

(I will put solid websites, that show the true evidence of what I have written, at the end of this message.)

**Pray for a supernatural outpouring of wisdom and truth to break the power of the propaganda and lies surrounding this Covid plandemic and the vax.

**Pray for the Lord to forbid the injecting of His little ones!

**Pray for the Lord to counter this great threat of death and disability that has been thrust into the bodies of compliant, or complacent people.

**Pray for a Great Awakening and Revival, which is accompanied by a massive anointing for healing miracles and physical restoration, to counter what has already been put into motion to bring destruction upon the populations.

**Pray for accurate accountings and reports regarding this plandemic, and release of the true numbers of negative events and deaths of those, who were injected with the vax. We pray for TRUTH to emerge out of the shadows.

**Pray for the medical personnel, who are connecting the dots correctly about the side effects, illness and death, associated with this gene therapy. Pray that they will receive an anointing of courage and wisdom to arise and to declare the truth. Pray for them to connect with other truth-tellers

**Pray for the awakened Israeli lawyers, medical personnel, and other Israeli citizens, to connect with others in the international community, who are exposing the truth about the Covid agenda. Pray for them to form an unbreakable bundle of authority against this wicked agenda. Bring forth a tsunami of evidence to crush the lies.

**Pray for parents to receive dreams and visions about the dangers of giving their children the vax. Terrify them with the truth, Lord … before it’s too late. Prevent pregnant women from taking the vax, and nursing mothers from taking it as well.

**Pray for the people, who took the vax, and who are now waking up to the truth about what it is, and what it will do in their bodies. Pray that the Lord will draw them to Himself. Pray that they will turn to Him for help, and not lose their minds in panic and dread.

**Pray for the remnant Body of Messiah to arise in love and compassion to bring prayers of comfort and healing to the vaxed. Give them Yeshua’s heart to bear up under the pain and horror of what they see happening.

**Pray for the Holy Spirit to strengthen those, who are awake and telling the truth, but who are being attacked, mocked, fired from jobs, rejected and abused by those, who are duped and blind. Support and heal their hurting hearts, as they are often being scorned or castigated by their co-workers, friends, and family members for rejecting the jab … for sharing the warning about the truth of this genuine conspiracy.

**Pray for the Lord to open the eyes of the blind and to release a spirit of Humble Teachability to the prideful and recalcitrant.

**Pray for the Lord to miraculously intervene against the threat of death and disability that has been injected into 80% of the Israeli adults … and into many millions of people around the globe.

**Pray to bind down the spirits of GENOCIDE, FEAR, ARROGANCE, AND LIES. Release the Spirit of LIFE, COURAGE, TRUTH and HOPE into the populations.

**Pray for deep revelations to come to those medical staffers, and government or spiritual leaders, who accepted the spin of this experimental gene therapy as being a safe and effective VACCINE. WAKE THEM UP TO THE TRUTH OF IT ALL! Upset them deeply, so that they call this vax campaign to a halt.

**Pray for repentance to be released into the hearts of those, who failed to take the time to research for themselves … and who ignored the signs, and who hid the true stats about what was happening … those, who refused to see, because they were offended by the truth tellers, or too fearful to accept what they were saying. Release a Spirit of Humility.

**Pray to expose the deep, orchestrated, preplanned conspiracy, as well as the culpability of this depopulation/genocide agenda, at the hands of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as Klaus Schwab, The World Economic Forum, the UN, Dr. Fauci, the WHO, the CCP, etc. Expose them, Lord, and hold them accountable upon the earth. Pray that none, who were actively participating in this conspiracy, will escape exposure or criminal charges.

**Pray for YHVH’s mercy to cover all those in medical positions, in the military defense community, in the police and first responders, who have taken the jab. If they go down into serious illness, months from now, when the seasonal flu hits, the nation/s will be in a state of dire crisis.

**Pray for the Lord to kill the next virus that the elite plan to release this Fall. Intercept it, expose it, destroy it, while yet holding the elite accountable for what they have done. Strip them of their wealth, power and freedom.

**Pray for the success and authority of the Nuremburg investigations and trials taking place in Germany (regarding the plandemic and the jab). Pray for the Nuremburg Code violations to grow sharp teeth that will come down hard on this luciferian attack; quickly shutting it down. Pray that there will be charges leveled against each of the perpetrators; demanding justice for their Crimes Against Humanity.

**Pray for the Lord to release witty inventions and new, affordable solutions to cancel the effects and presence of this gene therapy in the human body. Make the antidotes so Divine in nature that everyone will know that the Lord is the Healer.

**Pray protection over the truth tellers. May their numbers, their credibility, and their opportunities to share the truth increase massively in days to come.

**Pray that this overplay of this Covid crisis/agenda by the luciferian elite will be their undoing.

2: The CHANGE government coalition of Bennet and Lapid is expected to be sworn into office this Sunday. I simply do not hear the Lord giving a blessing to this coalition. Quite the contrary. It is the work of human efforts under the influence of the demonic. The Lord gave Israel a warning today, Monday, in an event that occurred in Jerusalem. There is an orthodox hospital in that city with the name SHAAREI TZEDEK. This afternoon a sink hole opened up, suddenly and without warning in the hospital parking lot. Blessedly no life was lost, but vehicles were damaged. Why is that a sign from the Lord? The name of the hospital translates from Hebrew to English as THE GATES OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. As soon as I got the report and saw the video of the sinkhole opening up, I received the message from the Lord that the gates of righteousness in the nation of Israel are collapsing as this new government seeks to rule according to humanist values alone. This “progressive” coalition puts her in alignment with all the rest of the Godless nations to a degree is hasn’t been before. By YHVH’s election, Israel is to be a nation different from all the rest. The Lord will not allow Israel to prostitute herself with the world too much longer. Yair Lapid announced that this is a government that chooses GOOD … one that operates on goodwill, trust, and decency. That is not how they formed this coalition, however. There have been slander campaigns, lies, pressure and bribes. (True, those are often elements found in the formation of any Israeli coalition … as Bibi knows full well.) This new government “team” is quite a mix. Interestingly, four members of this government are media personalities (especially Lapid), one is a rabid feminist, one is a member of the Moslem Brotherhood (an organization, which seeks to take over the Land and Jerusalem … ridding the Land of Jews), one is a rabid homosexual, who is all about gay pride, normalizing transgender and gay marriage, etc. There are more in the mix, but I’ll stop there. Where are the statesmen instead of professional politicians and power brokers? Where are the wise men of YHVH? This coalition was united in its formation around one thing … the removal of Benjamin Netanyahu from power. They’ve made devil deals to make that happen (as Bibi often has done in the last couple of years). Bennett, who supposedly is an observant Jew, a Zionist, and in favor of the settlements, broke his promises to the settlers and to others, who voted for him. He has hungered to be PM for quite a few years … to be calling the shots over Bibi, rather than serving under him. Now he has the premiership for a while … at least until the Lord removes it from him. I want to weep when I think of the price that Israel may have to pay for this humanistic, “progressive”, “CHANGE” government of broad-spectrum rebellion leading Israel. You can bet there will be more socialism, globalism, and potential Marxism (because the elite have their operatives in the mix). Already the Arab terrorist organizations are rising up in confidence that they will be able to “take down” Israel through this group. They see it as weak … and morally, they are correct. If the Lord doesn’t build the house, it is nothing more than a glass house, or an eventual house of cards. Some may say that this is a more diverse and inclusive government … fairer, and better for the country. That could be a great delusion. How do we know? The globalists are literally rejoicing at Bibi’s removal, and at the installation of this coalition. That alone should speak volumes to the awakened Israelis. Can the Lord use such a government? Yes … to bring a nation to its knees. Will He extend mercy and enable it to be righteous and successful on behalf of the Land and people? Not from what I, and others, who are hearing in the Spirit are discerning … at least not short of a full-on spiritual revival. We will pray for that. This government could bring Israel to the end of itself, where YHVH might finally become the focus of priority. A fifth election, with a new leader of the Likud party was the way to go … not this piecemeal house of rebellion and factious power. Yet … we are called to pray. If the Lord allows this group to stand, we pray He will work a miracle. If He chooses for Israel to feel the deeper pain arising from governing like the rest of the godless humanistic world, it will be a hard road ahead. Let me be clear: the governance of the ultra-religious, in the past Netanyahu coalitions, has not been righteous, or operating for the good of the country either. Bibi made far too many unholy compromises to stay in power, rather than trusting YHVH. Likely, he knows more about the Deep State in Israel than any of us do, and has refused to yield power because of understanding what surrendering fully to globalist ideals/values will mean for Israel. With Iran threatening … with Turkey joining in agreement to attack Israel … with Hamas feeling powerful, and with Hizbullah seeing Israel with a weak government … we need to pray fervently. With a weak, rebellious, illegal, regime claiming the power to govern the USA … combined with a humanistic, cabal-approved, broad-spectrum, morally weak, Israeli government in Israel … the Middle East could quickly erupt into regional war. The anti-Christ system could soon be the law of the Land as never seen before. PRAY! Right now, the Jews of Israel are fighting amongst themselves. That is precisely what was happening when Rome came in and took over Jerusalem in 70 AD. Watch and pray! Also, know that next month President Rivlin will end his term in that figurehead position. Itzhak Herzog has been elected by the Knesset as the new President to replace him.

**Pray that if this coalition is not the perfect will of YHVH, that HE will break apart the coalition before Sunday’s swearing in event.

**Pray that if a 5th election, and a shuffling of the leaders/candidates for office, are what the Lord wants, that HE WILL BRING IT FORTH.

**Pray that all unholy, deceitful, or dangerous deals brokered to get rid of Bibi will be quickly and completely exposed.

**Pray for the globalist mouthpieces in the Israeli media will be exposed, humbled, and replaced. No more sweeping the dirt of the Left under the carpet, while producing fake news to bend the minds of the people negatively against the righteous, and toward the direction that the elite want the nation to go.

**Pray for REAL people to be elected to leadership positions … not politicians and corrupt power brokers that have little love for the nation or the people. Pray that all politicians, who have been bribed by anyone (or by any organization) will be exposed. All, who seek elected positions, to stuff their own coffers, and to prosper their own personal kingdoms, will be exposed and removed.

**Pray that the evil, which is seeking to be institutionalized and codified into Israeli law … all that is rebellious against the way, will, and word of YHVH … would be rejected and fail to accomplish the luciferian goals. (i.e. the expansion of LGBTQ/Gay Pride agenda, Jezebelian feminism, penalizing and oppressing people of faith, surrendering land to the Palestinians, granting rights for satan worship, sexual perversions, etc.)

**Pray for the Lord to splash some living water on the civilian feuds going on, surrounding this election and the emerging coalition government. Release SHALOM! Unite the people in TRUTH! HIS TRUTH!

**Pray that the only “CHANGE” government that will be established in Israel will be one centering on the God of Israel and upon His standards; replacing what has been operating in government up to this point.

**Pray for the embedded operatives of, and the advocates for, the global luciferian elites, within the government and institutions of Israel, will be exposed, rejected and removed. Pray for all the evil connections to the global cabal … and all the evil controls, and foundations established by these wicked ones, will be exposed and dismantled.

**Pray for true and faithful prophetic voices to arise in the Land to instruct the people, and their leaders, in the path that the Lord would have them go. Call out the errors and show the way!

**Pray that the Lord would speak to Bibi Netanyahu about what role he is to play now, and how to do it. Pray that he receives a revelation of the need for the centrality of YHVH in all aspects of his life and of Israeli life. If he is to continue to lead in any way, let it be for truth and for securing the foundations pleasing to YHVH in Israel … not for power.

**Pray that all the plans that the luciferian cabal has for Israel will fail utterly.

**Pray to awaken the Israelis. They need to see life and reality from YHVH’s perspective.

**Pray for the Jewish people to come into unity based upon Godly foundations and operations.

**Even has the modern Jewish state has strong elements of socialism in it, there have been elements of biblical faith in it as well. Pray that any godless, faithless, humanistic socialism seeking to seize all the moral high ground, while crushing Israel’s biblical foundations, will be defeated and rejected.

**Pray for the Jewish people to recognize, and to understand, that there is always destruction when they try to govern, and to conduct their lives, like the rest of the nations. Pray for the Jews to know, and to celebrate, what it means to be CHOSEN BY YHVH.

**Pray for the Lord to “back off”/contain Israel’s enemies … terrify them with the Fear of YHVH … lest their pride and deceit trigger them into attacking Israel … bringing war out of its proper timing.

**Pray for the new, incoming, President for the State of Israel … Itzhak Herzog. Pray that he will fear and follow YHVH, and not be a tool of the global elite as Rivlin and Peres were. Pray for him to know Yeshua as well.

3: The Jerusalem Day flag parade, that was cancelled last month because of the outbreak of violence in the city, was rescheduled to take place this Thursday. The latest breaking news is that now it has been rescheduled for next Tuesday the 15th (but on an alternate route). It is turning into showdown, a standoff, or a flashpoint. Hamas is saying that if the parade takes place at all, the rockets will again fly out of Gaza. If the gathering enters into the Old City of Jerusalem (where is always goes to conclude at the Wailing Wall), or if it goes near the Damascus Gate, massive violence is projected to break out in the city, as Moslems raise the lie, and the war cry, that the Jews are threatening Al-Aksa. After the Defense Minister, Benny Gantz declared a couple of days ago that the parade wouldn’t be held, Hamas and all the terror groups, declared that they had defeated Israel, and were now calling the shots in Jerusalem. The head of the viper is up high in pride, and ready to strike. The Israelis in the south of the country indicated that it is best not to have the parade. They are currently recovering from nearly two weeks of rockets falling, bomb shelter confinement, and many losses. They don’t want that starting up again. Many Israelis are saying that it is the right of Israel, and of her citizens, to keep their tradition of celebrating their national sovereignty; celebrating the miracle of the State of Israel through the traditional flag parade. The Moslems believe that they destroyed Israel’s Jerusalem Day observance last month, through their violence, and thus have the power to destroy the observance of the Six Day War remembrance by the Israelis, as well as any other national holiday that they choose. Many security people are saying that the flag parade should be cancelled. Netanyahu, and Security Minister, Ohana, along with many leaders on the right, believe that it is important to hold the event, even if the route needs to be altered for safety reasons. Given that the police are against holding the march, those ministers of the Knesset, who have parliamentary immunity, and who are saying that they will do a march on Thursday on the original route, could be at great risk. They can do what they suggest, but the police are not obligated to protect them, if government leaders say “do not march”. Will the bluff be called on Hamas? This new and emerging, coalition government is calling for the parade cancellation, before they are even sworn in with power to make such decisions. That is NOT a good sign. IF this new coalition government is sworn in on Sunday, they may be landing immediately into the fire. If they officially dictate against the march, they will have many Israelis enraged for them giving so much power to Hamas to cancel important national events. If the march is held, they could have another war with Hamas on their hands … along with Hamas’ buddies such as Iran, Syria, Hizbullah, Turkey, etc. We need the wisdom and the intervention of the Lord.

**Pray that the Islamic powers will not seize the opportunity/excuse of this annual flag parade to start are larger war. Shut it down, Lord!

**Pray for the Lord to send His angels to walk alongside of the marchers; shielding them from harm.

**Pray that the flag parade WILL take place. It’s important for Israel to not accept bullying from Hamas or from any Islamic powers.

**Pray for the Ministers of the Knesset, who plan to march on Thursday without authorization and proper cover, to be safe. Pray for them to be wise, so that they will not invite attacks against them by reactionary moves or words.

**Decree and Declare that Jerusalem is the undivided capital city of Israel … the heartland and the possession of the Jewish people.

**Pray for the Lord to humble the pride of Hamas, which is bragging about defeating Israel in the recent campaign of rocket fire. Expose their lies to the point of humiliation.

**Pray for the Lord to rip open, and to destroy, the inciting lies that the Moslems speak about Al-Aksa and the Jews taking it, or defiling it. The gullible Moslem masses eat up those lies, which cause their hearts to burn against the Jews … and their blood to boil in the desire to create violent jihad.

**Pray that the Lord would certify this flag parade, which honors His gift to the Jewish people … i.e. the return to, and their possession of, their historical homeland.

**Pray to bind down the spirits of Blood Lust, Incitement, Intimidation, Deceit, Cowardice, Defiance, Arrogance, Lawlessness, Hidden Agenda, Jealousy, Covetousness, and Violence.

**Historically, many young people, and some very small children march in this flag parade. Pray for the Lord to protect all participants, especially those young ones.

**Pray for the Spirit of Wisdom and Truth to be released over Jerusalem and over this whole event.

**Pray for the peace of Jerusalem

**Decree and declare that the god of Islam has NO POWER over the God of Israel. Declare YHVH’s sovereignty over the Land and people of Israel. HE IS THE AUTHORITY! NONE OTHER!

**Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Israel. This nation needs awakening and revival!

**Pray that the flag parade will be a huge glory to the Lord as Jewish hearts celebrate the great gift from Him of their restored nation in the homeland … and its survival against all odds and efforts from her enemies.

**PRAY for a release of the Spirit of Calm and Holy Submission over this event.

**Pray for the Lord to lead the police, and the government, in ALL decisions that need to be made about this event.

4: A breaking news item: It is being reported that the IDF is making airstrikes within Syria … Damascus, Latakia, Baniyas, and Homs. We don’t know at this point what that is all about, but we are certain to find out in the next hours or days if it is a trigger for something larger. The reports are suggesting that these are large scale airstrikes. The last time that the IDF made a hit within Syria was on May 6th … the week before the battle with Hamas began. It is fairly common to hear of Israel striking weapons transfers being made within Syria from Iran, en route to Hizbullah. Meanwhile, until we know, pray.

** Praise the Lord that Bibi’s government is continuing to hit targets within Syria on behalf of Israel’s security.

**Pray that if the Bennett/Lapid government is sworn in, that they will continue to make strategic hits … even against the negative international opinion … especially against any controlling demands or manipulating threats from the Biden regime.

**Pray for the Lord to keep His hand firmly over the nations, who seek to destroy Israel.

**Pray that the timing of any forthcoming Middle East war will unfold in YHVH’s perfect plan, and by nothing else other than HIS initiation.

Ok, I will conclude this edition of Insight for Intercessors at this point. I really need to get some sleep. With so much going on in the spiritual and natural world, I only had 1.5 hours of sleep last night. It is already midnight again. If you find any missed typos in this text, you will understand why. Please forgive them and correct them. Thank you as always for your prayers, your encouragement, and your support.

Love and blessings,



Highly accredited physician, Dr. Lee Merritt, is interviewed about Covid situation and other health concerns:

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Brilliant Dr. Judy M. (July 29. 2020)

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