Prayer Targets: Day of Prayer - Sunday, January 17

January 14, 2021

Even a child makes himself known by his acts, by whether his conduct is pure and upright.
Proverbs 20:11)

Dear Praying Friends,

Over the last 18 years, Tony Perkins has organized a network of thousands Christian pastors and churches across America who see Jesus's call to be salt and light in their communities to include influencing the public debate and public policy from a biblical worldview. Following the tragic breach of the U.S. Capitol building last Wednesday, January 6, Tony sent a note to pastors across the nation. Here is an excerpt from that message:

There is a clear understanding it is time to turn to the Lord. This is not just another moment in our country's history; the sobering reality is that this moment may decide how long we have as a country. The prophet Isaiah called God's people to the Lord and to return to him so that He might have compassion upon them and abundantly pardon them. (Isaiah 55:6-7)

On Sunday, January 17, there will be a special day of prayer for our nation. Here are seven prayer points to direct our prayer throughout the week, beginning on Sunday, January 17.

Please join with churches across the nation in looking to the Rock. (Isaiah 51:1)

I invite you to go ahead and begin now praying through these seven prayer points, which are available for download at

  1. Pray for the unity of our nation. Truth is the foundation for unity. It would seem easier to go along with the times and get caught up in the current and live by lies, but we must let the truth dwell richly in us all. Pray that the truth of God will be upheld in our homes, our churches, our government, the media, education, and in the culture. (John 14:6; 17:23; Philippians 2:2) Pray that the good news of the gospel and the hope that is found in Jesus Christ would be lifted up and embraced in America again. This is not a time to suppress or hide the hope that is within us but instead pray for boldness to share the gospel and that God would open the hearts of others to receive the peace of Christ and glorify His name that is above every name. (1 Peter 3:15; Philippians 2:9-10)

  2. Pray for the Lord to confuse and confound the plans of those who operate counter to the truth. We can have hope and confidence that truth has already and will triumph. Pray that the lawless deeds of sinful men would be put to shame and that those blinded by the lies would awaken to know the truth. (Isaiah 19; Luke 8:17)

  3. Pray that the church (followers of Jesus) would be the light of the world in these dark and difficult times (Matthew 5:14) and that as the light shines in the darkness it would grow and increase in brightness and that the light would expose what has been done in the darkness. (Ephesians 5:11-14; 6:18-20)

  4. Pray that our federal government leaders would recognize, understand, and yield to the truth that the authority defined and limited to them in our Constitution ultimately comes from God. (Romans 13:1; Daniel 2:21)

  5. Pray that state legislatures will take up their responsibility to review state election systems and expose any corruption or manipulation, and then change the laws and policies to ensure the integrity of our elections. Pray for candor in our governmental systems and for honest and fair accounts. (Proverbs 16:11; 11:1; 2 Corinthians 8:21)

  6. Pray that God's people would resolve to stand firm and unwavering in the power of God's might (Ephesians 6:10-18). May the church not grow weary of doing good but pray for endurance to run the race ahead for the glory of God. (Galatians 6:9; Hebrews 12)

  7. Pray for the leaders in the church and its members that we would demonstrate the love of Christ to our neighbors and one another. In these uncertain times there is need for great wisdom and the cultivation of virtue for all Christians. Pray that we would stand the test well and bear with one another in humility, courage, and love. (Ephesians 4:2; 5:15-17; James 1:5)

Thank you for praying. Please join us in prayer on Sunday, January 17 and every day through Inauguration Week. And let me add another point and recommend you use it as an introduction to the seven: Repentance. Throughout Scripture, God let His people struggle and suffer time and again because of sin but forgave and gave them mercy and blessing when they turned back to Him in repentance. Repentance for ourselves and our countrymen, must precede receiving the kind of help we need from God now! (2 Chr 7:14; Ps 32:12, 144:15; Pr 28:13Jer 18:8; Dan 9:4-18; Mt 9:13; Acts 3:19; 2 Pet 3:9; 1 Jn 1:9)


Rev. Pierre Bynum
Chaplain & National Prayer Director

Family Research Council
801 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202-393-2100
Fax: 202-393-2134