Repentance on 9/11 at Ground Zero

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Repentance is coming to Ground Zero. Nineteen years ago disaster struck the USA. Three thousand died as the Twin Towers came down by Islamic terrorists. It was God’s 911 Emergency call. Afterwards, for a brief time, many went to church, but there was no national repentance.  Americans did not turn back from major national sins such as the ongoing killing of innocents, the making of ourselves as idols through humanism, legalizing sexual perversions, failing to stand with God’s Word as our standard.  Overall we’ve proceeded to look to ourselves as our idols instead of to the Living God Whose miracles created His nation,  and Who  always has had  a Godly calling on this nation to advance His Kingdom.  

This coming Friday, September 11, 2020, from 2 PM to 4 PM Eastern (GMT-4), at Fulton and Church Streets,  Silas Titus of,, with support from volunteers from National Day of Repentance, will hold a prayer and repentance service on the site of the Twin Towers disaster. 

You are invited. A Facebook group has been formed:   New York City 9/11 prayer & repentance  -

For 100 participants,  there will also be a Zoom meeting:   Information on the Zoom call will be posted on the Facebook group page. 

Join us in repenting for failing to heed His Emergency Call to restore  the Godly roots of this nation.