Siege Alert - January 7, 2021

Siege Alert:1/7/2021

Laying a Siege Over the Election Results
Thursday, January 7, 2021

Even though Congress has now named Joe Biden as the President-Elect, the mission to establish Election Integrity in 2020 has not yet been achieved. Accordingly, we will continue our quest with you to cry out for truth to rule in our midst. Thank you for continuing to join us in this work.

Laying a Siege Over the Election Results

“Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.”
(Isaiah 40:1)

Today's Prayer Focus


Today's Verse to Decree

2 Timothy 1:7

It is written:

“For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7)

Today's Commentary

After what we all saw what was happening yesterday at the Capitol Building, we are still without words at what we beheld . . .

So much "hit us" all at once, it will take at least several days to come to grips with it all.


We praise Him that He is in control, no matter what, and that our job as intercessors is to cry out to Him for His will to be done on earth, as it is in heaven, and to stand in repentance for our sins, so that He WILL hear our prayers.

Rather than revisit all of those events from yesterday (the President's speech; the HUGE crowds that gathered to support him at the rally; their movement down the street to the Capitol; the "overtaking" of that building
and the destruction and violence that followed -- perpetrated by Antifa anarchists dressed as Trump supporters -- the tragic death of Ashli Babbitt in a shooting incident, the lockdown of the building; the dismissal of Congress; Mayor Bowser imposing the 6:00 p.m. curfew . . . and so much more . . .

Today we are blessed to share more news with you from the Hill that the media will never tell you about:

At the same time that violence and chaos broke out on the West Front of the Capitol, hundreds of saints also gathered on the East Side of the building to pray, to worship, and to bless President Trump. Dave Kubal,
(President, Intercessors for America) reported that the Peace of GOD was
TANGIBLE! (To view his report,
please go here.)

In addition, the Gospel was also being preached to HUNDREDS on the Mall
at the same time! Here is a text from Pastor Jorge Pena:

Yesterday was a historical wonderful day!
We preached the Gospel for hours!
Thousands heard the Gospel of JESUS!
Thousands of Christians were shouting JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, JESUS!
They handed out hundreds of Bibles and tracts.

Today's Prayer

Father God, we come before You on bended knee, asking for comfort in our time of need. Holy God, we know not what to do, but our eyes are on You. We admit that there is so much we do not understand, so we trust You to lead us through the time ahead.

We continue to ask You to forgive the wicked, and there are now MANY, for they know NOT what they do. And we realize, too, that You are calling us to the altar of REPENTANCE, so that we may now be clean vessels through whom You can do Your work.

We pray again for President Trump. Strengthen Him, Lord, in the inner man and cause Him to stand firmly upon the Rock of our Salvation in the days ahead. We ask for Your wisdom to guide him through this time. Help our President, O Lord, we pray, amen.

Finally, Abba Father God, would You help us to keep our eyes focused more fully upon You, day by day and hour by hour. Let us see Your light in this dark hour. Thank You, Holy One, for the many blessings you bestow upon us, and the grace You provide to carry us through.

Help us, O Lord, we pray. In Your Name, amen and amen.

Breaking News

Pelosi calls for 25th Amendment, impeachment to remove Trump

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for President Trump's immediate removal from office by way of the 25th Amendment for inciting a violent riot at the Capitol Wednesday in an attempt to stop the certification of President-elect Joe Biden's win.

She joins with Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., in urging Vice President Mike Pence and the Cabinet to remove Trump from office immediately, calling him "a very dangerous person" who committed an "act of sedition."

Pelosi said if Pence won't act, the House is prepared to impeach Trump.

"The president has committed an unspeakable assault on our nation and our people," Pelosi said Thursday, a day after pro-Trump supporters took over the U.S. Capitol and forced lawmakers to evacuate to secure locations.

"By inciting sedition as he did yesterday, he must be removed from office," Pelosi said. "While it's only 13 days left, any day can be a horror show for America."

Pelosi said she'd hope to get an answer from Pence Thursday on whether he would be invoking the 25th Amendment. 

"The president of the United States incited an insurrection against America," Pelosi said. (Fox News) Read more.

- Holy God, O Holy One, this action has just taken place today, so we now JOIN FORCES to decree this action NULL and VOID through the Blood of the Lamb. Ms. Pelosi's accusations are totally without merit. In fact, the exact opposite may, indeed, be true: that some among the Democrats set up and staged this disaster specifically to dismantle the Republican's efforts to bring objections on the House floor yesterday to the votes of the Electoral College from the seven battleground states.

Instead, in the face of the terror of the day, the opposition folded and the Democrats were able to "win it all."

We cancel this movement NOW in Your Mighty name, amen
and amen!

- "He frustrates the schemes of the shrewd,
So that their hands cannot attain success.
13 He captures the wise by their own cleverness,
And the advice of the cunning is quickly thwarted.
14 By day they meet with darkness,
And grope at noon as in the night."
(Job 5:12 - 14)

- "Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted;
propose your plan, but it will not stand,
for God is with us."
(Isaiah 8:10)

Today's Headlines

1. Georgia wins put Schumer in control of Senate, Democrats in charge of committee agenda - Fox News (Go here)

2. Trump signals acceptance of Biden's election victory, condemns Capitol riots
- Fox News (Go here)

3. Capitol Police Chief Sund issues notice of resignation
- Fox News (Go here)

4. Capitol Police were 'set up to fail' by 'failure of leadership': Tom Homan - Fox News (Go here)

5. Capitol rioters could face up to 10 years in prison under Trump monument executive order - Fox News (Go here)

6. Ashli Babbitt, woman killed in Capitol riots, described as patriot who 'loved America with all her heart' - Fox News
(Go here)

7. Capitol Police officer 'didn't have a choice' in shooting Babbitt, GOP congressman says - Fox News (Go here)

8. Indie Journal at US Capitol - Gateway Pundit (Go here)

9. Trump cancels Camp David trip, hunkers down at White House
- Washington Times (Go here)

10. Rev. Graham: 'God's Judgment is Coming, For the Sins of Our Nation Are Great' - (Go here)

Yesterday's Headlines

1. Pence Releases Statement Ahead of Certification of Electoral College, Says He Will NOT Block Biden’s Electors – the Gateway Pundit (Go here)

2. Pence ‘Didn’t Have the Courage’ to Reject Electoral Votes, Trump Says -The Epoch Times (Go here)

3. Crowd Reacts to Trump’s Rally Speech, Calls for Fair Election Process - The Epoch Times (Go here)

4. Protesters Breach Capitol Building, Vote Objection Deliberations On Hold - The Epoch Times (Go here)

5. Shots Reportedly Fired in US Capitol as Trump Urges Peace After Protesters Breach Building- The Epoch Times (Go here)

6. “We had No Weapons. We Were Peaceful. They Started Shooting At Us.” Police Attacked Protesters With Pepper Spray, Tear Gas and Clubs – The Gateway Pundit
(Go here)

7. National Guard en Route to Capitol on Orders From Trump - The Epoch Times (Go here)

8. President Trump Calls for Peace – Reminds Americans Who Voted for Him “We Are the Party of Law and Order!” – The Gateway Pundit (Go here)

Bonus! The Daily Jot

The protest that turned to violence on Capitol Hill is a harbinger. There already is and will continue to be finger-pointing and conspiracy theories and name calling to place blame. But the blame history will record is that anyone connected to Donald Trump is confirmed of being exactly what the news media and Democratic Party narrators said they were, and because of the way things went down on Capitol Hill, conservatives and Christians will be paying that price of association for years to come, guilty or not. People, there needs to be a reset. Part of that reset is clarity of mind, which means to seek truth, not the truth one wants to believe, but real truth. And speak the truth in love. These are Godly principles.

Congress did its Constitutional duty and voted on the states’ objections to the election. Election integrity concerns were not enough to persuade Congress, by a huge majority, from confirming Joe Biden as President. Yes, there are many side stories and “yeah, buts.” Nonetheless, the process was followed and it is now settled. There will be investigations and debates over election integrity. Those who are convinced that paper ballots are more secure than machines must begin at the local level and register their complaints and work to make changes. In those states where the law was broken regarding absentee ballot mailings and authentications, people need to hold their legislators accountable to fix it. Lesson from all this: politics is a dirty business where rules and laws are upheld or broken by political force, not fairness.

Reform is necessary. How it is done is important. Pitting people against people is not a solution. Citing outrageous conspiracy theory claims will not work. Either/or scenarios will also fail. Ideological bigotry and political intolerance only leads to more of the same. These all have proven to fail over the past year of anger (on both sides of the political spectrum). If one says, “There is no reasoning with these people,” then that person has lost the argument before it is even presented. We are all, as Americans, going to have to learn to work with people who have different views than we do, and do so with respect and honor—perhaps not for the opposing position, but more so to demonstrate the value of our position.

Please find ways to stand firm without being belligerent. Seek the truth in your life and don’t rely on those who are using a little bit of truth to make a better lie. Work across political divides and let the merit of your ideas constitute the fabric of your beliefs. While there are unreasonable people on both sides of the political spectrum, there are many reasonable people in between the radicals. Don’t allow your life to be defined by politics. If you are reading this, you are a follower of Christ, first and foremost. Focusing on Christ and His resurrection and saving grace will lead you to all truth. But you must focus on it and pursue it with vigor. Remember in these perilous days the words written in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love, and of a sound mind.” In that, have clarity in truth and truth only.

Nightly Prayer Over Election Results

We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.
For more info, visit their website at: