THE ONE WORD ORDER - April 22, 2021



April 22, 2021

NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!


After the very heavy edition of Insight for Intercessors, that I released to you early this week, I want you to know in advance, that this edition of The One Word Order, will be VERY different. It will be fun and encouraging. I think we all need a bit of a break from all the battles and heaviness. While in the midst of a prayer time, about a week ago, the Lord spoke a rhema word to me. That rhema included His recommendation for us to be sure to laugh. So, this is what I am going to do. First, I will copy the rhema below for you to read. After that, I will give us all an opportunity to do what the Lord suggested … i.e. to laugh a little.

RHEMA WORD …. 4.12.21 … Kolyah …. 3:30 PM

“Little ones, all of you are so busy inquiring about what the future will hold. When will this pandemic stop? When will the governments sort out? When will there be relief from evil oppression for the righteous? When will Godly truth and justice again be given a voice of influence and power? Will the captive children be set free soon? Are there really coordinated, Godly, forces working behind the scenes to overthrow all this powerful, organized, socialized, evil? When will the anti-Messiah appear? Is it now? Is life going to deteriorate from now on, taking us into the time when the Evil One rules over the righteous throughout the whole world for a while? When, oh when, will the Messiah return? So many questions are being asked about what the future will hold. Now, I have some questions for YOU to answer in this present moment. Are you lacking confidence in WHO holds your future? It certainly sounds that way. Do you feel that your future is in your own hands … your own responsibility to make things happen? Do you need to know what I am doing, in order to feel at peace? Do you need to know what My time schedule is, so that your fears and anxieties are relieved? What is required for your confidence and faith to be restored? RESULTS! Ah, you want to see results; proving that I am aware and working on your behalf! Do you still seek comfortable tangible proof to confirm that I am real, and that My promises are yes and amen? Little ones, things will not appear and unfold just as you surmise. There are many mysteries kept from you, but also many misinterpretations of scripture that your minds and emotions have adopted as certainty. There will be surprises and suddenlies. Expect them, and be at peace in your expectation that all will unfold just as it should within My hand.

What you need most now is to be still. Sit quietly and listen for My voice. Take all of your questions and put them in a basket. Set that basket aside, confident that I do care about all your questions, but trusting that there is something more urgent for you to attend to right now. Me! Attend to ME! Oh, how desperately you need to rest in Me! How can you hear Me, when you are always talking? How can you be still, when you are running around doing what you deem is more urgent than abiding in and with Me?

I understand your impatience. I see the troubled hearts and waning hope under all the pressure. It grieves Me to see you so distressed, when there is so much assurance and comfort available. If only you would just come away to be with Me for a while. Do not allow the Enemy to weary you so! Discipline your minds and emotions, so that they do not speak louder than My promises. Watch carefully where you focus your eyes and your attention. So much of what you hear and see is not true reality. The reality is what I say it is. You learn of that truth, in reality, as you abide with Me. So much of what you see is filtered through the atmosphere of deception, sin, and upheaval.

Are you unaware that much of what you do, in an attempt to be distracted from the stress, actually adds more exhaustion to your soul? The angels look in puzzlement at what you chose as entertainment for comfort, for relaxation, and to forget the stress. You use the visual and audio presentations, to which you turn, as an attempt to move yourself from reality into fantasy; so that you might find some false respite. What is restful and restorative about watching tense dramas and reading murder mysteries? What true rest and joy do you find in watching sports competitions, or the evening news broadcasts? These are all vehicles, set into place by the Enemy, to distract you from what is most essential in difficult times … all the while, still keeping you from obtaining true rest, and from enjoying the comfort found in My genuine reality. You so very much want to fix, to restore, or to remodel your world; altering it from its current ruined state. Is that why you turn to fix-it shows and to ‘living in the wilderness’ episodes to help you feel hopeful and empowered? I am your hope and your power. I AM your restoration. Watch Me! Learn about Me! Know Me by spending time with Me.

Oh, My dear little ones, it could be so easy, if only you learn to rest, and also to let go in My presence. From the very beginning you were created to dwell with Me. I walked the earth and shared life with My first created human children. Before they made a foolish choice, there was nothing in this world to disturb them. Survival was never even a thought. They knew Me as Lord, Creator, Friend, and Provider. After their fall into the Deceiver’s trap, so many things frightened, fatigued, and threatened these first little ones. While I never left them, I had to allow them to live with the consequences of their choices and actions. My watchful, intervening, eye was always upon them. My desire is to have each one of you fully restored to My eternal presence within My Kingdom. For those, who have accepted My free gift of atonement, it shall eternally be as it was intended to be at the very beginning. Until then, you must learn to live in wholeness within an environment where evil often prospers against you. Keep in mind, though, My watchful and intervening eye is always upon you. And you have an advantage that multitudes of generations before you never had. You KNOW Me! I am IN you, because you have embraced the atonement. Thus, you are on the path, leading you back to having your permanent residence in My eternal Kingdom, where you have a glorious endpoint awaiting you. In addition, through your immersion in My Spirit, you also have My presence living within you for comfort, for assurance, for wisdom, and for so much more.

Perhaps, if you are finding life too overwhelming right now, you need to enter into that gift of My presence that I have given to you. In My presence, there is true rest. There is healing, deliverance, instruction, and joy. As you abide in My Spirit, you can hear Me speaking, while I accompany you through your struggles. When the load is too heavy, you only need to shift the weight to My shoulders to carry it. It’s so simple and yet, so many of you seem to find purpose and affirmation … even identity … in handling your lives without Me. So many of you pop into a faith gathering once or twice a week to acknowledge Me, but too few of you awaken in the night to attend to Me at My call. I see your bodies breaking down under the weight of oppression. I see your relationships being torn apart as you try to deal with difficult issues apart from Me. I see your minds spinning in utter confusion, and your hearts quivering in fear at the thought of possibilities that may appear … or which may not. I hear fantasy projected as reality, and satan’s deceptive spin declared as if it is truth. If only you would come to abide with Me for a while in My presence. If only you had consulted with Me, and then listened for My reply, as you walked through the challenges of your day. I’m here! Where are you? I’m talking. Are you listening? And don’t pretend that you don’t hear Me, when you do. Pretending that you have not heard from Me, after you have given Me your question, only puts you in the position of being in rebellion, whenever you ignore Me to proceed with your own plans and solutions. You think that I do not see your heart motives and your hidden thoughts? Think again. I see and I know ALL THINGS. When will you understand and appreciate that truth? I am always safe and loving company, so stop trying to avoid Me, as if you can sidestep My involvement in your life! I will always be there for you. You can trust that!

There is another thing that I have provided for your welfare, but which you have neglected greatly. I gave you a sense of humor. It is true that, when operating in fallen flesh, your humor can be hurtful and perverse, unlike Mine. However, under the influence of My Spirit, and when you are operating in a renewed mind, and in line with My heart, laughter can be holy, as well as healing. I love to laugh. If you only knew how often I laugh in delight at the childlike things you do! And, there is much embedded humor deposited within your natural world for you to enjoy. Have you seen it? I created some very funny looking, and strange sounding animals to occupy the world with you. I did that to give you laughter and joy, along with some bits of wisdom. Do you not find it funny to see a group of penguins running madly in a top speed waddle, while flapping their flightless wings, as if they could take to flight? I designed them to be a joyful reminder to you: Do not try to do, or to be, something that you were not designed to do or be. And what about monkeys … don’t you find their incessant grooming of each other rather funny? Their nit picking of each other is to show you how silly obsessing over minutia really is. And the lowland gorilla males! See them pounding their chests as if to say, ‘There is no one greater than I!” That is to be a humorous reminder for you to avoid egotism, territorialism, and pride. Such things look very foolish. Just take some time and listen to the various bird sounds from around the world. I created a bird that shouts out ‘Woop woop woop! Another one declares ‘Ha Dee Dah, Ha Dee Dah!’ These feathery little creations are messengers of My wisdom and fun, as well as serving as My special vocal choir. In these dark days, listen for the bird that reminds you to, ‘Cheer up! Cheer up!” Take heed to what I am telling you. Take some time to see the humor that I put into your world. The humor of nature is delightful. Laugh in delight at what you hear and see, whenever the world seems too dark and dreary. Open your eyes and your ears.

I desire for you to take time, very soon, to laugh out loud. Lay aside your self-consciousness. Intentionally look for what is delightful humor. Never laugh at another person’s appearance or mistakes, unless that person is laughing first, and invites you to join. Laugh at your own funny mistakes and invite others to laugh with you as you give them the report. Never mock or deride others or yourself. That is not humor. That is cruelty. True laughter, of the type I desire, causes the weight of worry to melt off. It lightens the load and reboots the emotions to bring them back into proper balance. Seek out My joy and laughter in the midst of heaviness. Come into My presence, but don’t be surprised if you find My Spirit suddenly rising within you; inspiring such all-encompassing laughter that delighted tears flow freely from your eyes. Many of My children have been physically and emotionally healed in such moments of mirth. Never be ashamed of being overwhelmed with joy. Just don’t ever seek humor and joy at the expense of another one of My children. I should be your reason and your Source of joy and laughter.

So now, I hope all this is becoming clear to you. I love having time with you. I am intentionally asking you to spend time with Me. Come away from your labors; saving special time for Me. Remember, I set aside a whole day each week for you to attend fully to Me. I don’t want you to come in duty or in a sense of requirement. I want you to delight in coming into My presence each day for moments of abiding. In a loveless and joyless world, I am to be your oasis, where you will be unburdened, dusted off, and infilled with living water, so that in your renewed wholeness, you may bring refreshment to the parched and burdened people all around you. Your wholeness promotes wholeness in others, who lack that endowment. As you are filled with joy and hope, derived from spending time with Me, you will become a conveyor of these things to others. If all of you would live in this awareness of presence and joy, imagine how your world would change. Imagine how much more hope and strength you would have for each day.

Hold on to this truth, and share it liberally with others as you live in the shalom that arises from its blessings. Now, go out and find something truly funny to enjoy. Then, come to sit at My feet. Share your experience of joy and laughter with Me, so that you and I can heartily laugh together.”

So, I hope that rhema blessed you to read it, as much as it delighted me to receive it! As a result of the Lord’s request that we have more giggles, and more time in His presence to share our lives, I have put some fun things below for you to read. Consider each numbered statement or question. The answers, or the punchlines, will be typed below all the jokes. See if you can figure them out before checking for the answer. Enjoy a bit of silliness for a change. The Lord doesn’t want us to take all things in life so seriously. Perspective please! Sometime a laugh can bring things back into proper perspective.


1: Did you hear about the cheese factory that exploded in France?

2: How many tickles does it take to get an octopus to laugh?

3: What’s the difference between a poorly dressed man on a unicycle and a well-dressed man on a bicycle?

4: Why don’t ants ever get sick?

5: Why? I couldn’t figure out why the baseball kept getting bigger.

6: What did the left eye say to the right eye?

7: What do you call two monkeys that share an Amazon account?

8: Which rock group has four guys who can’t sing or play instruments?

9: Why do Dasher and Dancer love coffee?

10: What time do you go to the dentist?

11: Why did the A go to the bathroom and come out as an E?

12: What do you call a droid that takes the long way around?

13: What is the highest form of flattery?

14: What do you call a soldier, who survived mustard gas in battle, and then pepper spray by the police?

15: Why do seagulls fly over the sea?

16: Where does the General keep his armies?

17: Where do you find a cow with no legs?

18: What's the difference between a dirty old bus stop and a lobster with breast implants?

19: Do you know why you should stand in a corner when you get cold?

20: What’s E.T. short for?

21: I told my girlfriend she drew her eyebrows too high.

22: My wife told me I had to stop acting like a flamingo.

23: This is my step ladder

24: I have a new EpiPen. My friend handed it to me when he was dying.


1: There was nothing left but de Brie

2: 10 tickles. (tentacles, get it?)

3: A tire (attire)

4: Because they have little anty bodies

5: Then it hit me!

6: Between you and me, something smells

7: Prime mates

8: Mount Rushmore

9: Because they’re Santa’s STAR bucks

10: At tooth-hurty

11: Because he had a vowel movement

12: R2 detour

13: a plateau

14: a seasoned veteran

15: If they flew over the bay, they would be baygulls (bagels)

16: In his sleevies

17: Right where you left it

18: One is a crusty bus station the other one is a busty crustacean

19: They’re usually 90 degrees

20: Because he’s only got little legs

21: She seemed surprised

22: So I had to put my foot down

23: I never knew my real ladder

24: it seemed very important to him that I have it.

Now, I now some of those are rather corny jokes, but perhaps you got a good chuckle out of a few of them. The point is this: The Lord doesn’t want us to have a spirit of heaviness; weighing us down. It is written that the Lord sits in the heavens and laughs at the foolish plans of the Enemy that will have a 100% chance of failure or reversal, once the Lord lays down His countermove on the spiritual chessboard. YHVH is the Chess Master, after all. There is no one that has a better grasp of strategy and the countermoves necessary to cause the Enemy utter humiliation. We are all part of the Lord’s plan. EVERYTHING is moving toward a huge reset of our world, due to the counter moves already heading our way. We just need to trust. When the stress gets to us … as it often seems to do … YHVH wants us to hand over the fear, doubt, and dread as we sit in His presence; receiving HIS revelation of shalom found in His all-knowing, all-powerful, all-wise, character and abilities. So, if the jokes I submitted to you didn’t giggle some heaviness off of you, go sit at the feet of the Lord for a while. Unburden there and then LISTEN to what insights He will give you. Absorb the WHOLENESS that is His reality and substance. Ask for the Holy Spirit to dip you into living water and to fill you with joy and laughter. When you truly release the burdens, and allow YHVH to deal with all of those frayed places in you, the joy of your new wholeness may totally immerse you in laughter in His presence. If that happens, tarry there a while. Allow healing to come. Allow revelation to replace the lies. Allow faith to arise. If you lack anything that is necessary to make you an overcomer, ask Him for it. Let go! Stretch out! Listen and do what He tells you to do. If He wants you to make contact with a specific care-giver or another person; do that. If you have things to confess and repent; do that. If you have forgiveness to extend to someone; do that. Whatever blockages are plugging up your “belly well” of living water, pull them out with the help of the Lord. Perhaps you need to take a personal blessing inventory. Do that! The JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH! IN HIS PRESENCE WE FIND THE FULLNESS OF JOY! If you have lost your sense of humor … if you find nothing in your life to laugh about … if you are being crushed by fear and worry … run to the Lord and stay in His presence until restoration comes. Worship Him! Praise Him! Thank Him! LOVE HIM! Just think of the day when satan and all this evil cohort will be tossed into the eternal lake of fire. That ultimate defeat of evil is assured. Actually, I suspect that satan suffers right now, whenever we choose to laugh in the face of threats and bad news; rejoicing in the knowledge that NOTHING can take us out of the loving hands of the Lord. We have read to the end of the Book. We KNOW WHO WINS! Now that surely is something to inspire rejoicing and victorious laughter. Don’t wait! Start the victory dance now! Laugh, live, believe, rejoice in the goodness of YHVH every day. Then watch to see how much more delightful, and more hopeful, your life becomes.

Love and blessings,
