The One Word Order - October 30, 2021



October 30, 2021

NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!



October 22, 2021

A friend of mine, who is a Jewish psychiatrist, told me many months ago, before our US 2020 election, that he had been taking note of the mind operations, and the actions of those on the far left/progressive side of the political spectrum. He had been observing them move into a form of psychosis. Additionally, he noticed that most of these people, who made this shift, had little or no faith in God They lived as if they held all truth and power. He said that they were increasingly unable to track with reality, were easily triggered, and were hyper emotional … even very reactive to the point of nearly becoming violent against any opposition expressed in thought, or in action, against their stance/perspective. It was a disturbing development by his assessment. Once well into the Covid crisis, and the vax rollout … and when society has been thoroughly pounded with the message that COVID-19 was a life and death situation … this same psychiatrist again spoke to me. He noted that these same people, who were crazy about President Trump being a national threat, seemed to be those, who were overly reactionary and fearful about Covid. My friend commented that their already present form of fear-induced psychosis, seemed to be galvanizing into a more serious place. A couple of days ago, while I was resting before the Lord in prayer, I heard two surprising words in the Spirit. COVID PSYCHOSIS. What I was hearing in the Spirit led me on a search, in the natural, of what the term psychosis really means. I needed to gain a deeper understanding of what might be challenging very many people in our day, so that I could apply it to what the Lord was speaking to me.

Here is what I found: Psychosis is a condition that affects the way the human brain processes information. It causes an individual to lose touch with reality. That person might see, hear, or believe things that aren’t real, but he/she cannot be convinced that they are false. Psychosis is a symptom, not an illness. It can be triggered by a mental illness, by a physical injury or illness, by substance abuse, or by extreme stress, threat, fear, or trauma. Repeated messages of danger and extreme threat, can overwhelm the mind and emotions; inducing a psychosis if there is not a counter balance present, based upon reason, truth inquiry, or faith.

The word psychosis is often used to describe conditions that affect the mind, where there has been some loss of contact with reality. When someone becomes ill in this way it is called a psychotic episode. During a period of psychosis, a person's thoughts and perceptions are disturbed, and the individual may have difficulty understanding what is real.

Symptoms of psychosis include delusions (false beliefs) and hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that others do not see or hear). Other symptoms include incoherent or nonsense speech, and behavior that is inappropriate for the situation. A person in a psychotic episode may also experience depression, anxiety, sleep problems, social withdrawal, a lack of motivation, be suspicious towards others, raging, strongly self-defensive, attacking others without cause (but feeling justified to do so), and difficulty functioning overall outside of the scenario that he/she is running in his/her mind as reality.

Warning signs of psychosis that have been seen in our current world:

v People having trouble thinking clearly or concentrating

v Suspiciousness, or excessive unease of some people being around certain other people

v Spending more time alone than usual … feeling safer in isolation from others, and in separation from normal life (people being comfortable with lockdowns)

v Exhibiting stronger emotions than situations call for (overreacting to vax choices … showing panic or outbursts of anger when someone doesn’t wear a mask, or comes closer than 6 feet)

v May have no emotions expressed at all (robotic obedience to demands)

v Hanging on to unusual beliefs, onto fantasy thinking or thoughts, no matter what others say or they may present as evidence.

v Pulling away from family and friends; seeing them as a personal threat … unacceptable or dangerous … no longer safe to be in relationship

v Not being able to process new information clearly, or to pay attention to the current events/developments and new information … being stuck in a place of fear, even when threats are not present.

It is my guess that right now you are recognizing some of the behaviors, and words, of people you know … people, who are bound up in the scenario of Covid threats that the media, and the Big Pharm health agencies, have presented continually; saturating the minds of the world for over a year and a half. It’s becoming more evident each day, that only those, who have renewed their minds in the word, blood, and Holy Spirit of YHVH, are the ones not buying in to the scam/manipulative “con job” of vax and control. (Note: Without a doubt there is a pathogen that has been created and released.) Surely, you have had conversations with people close to you that went very badly, when you told them that the vax was experimental, untested, and potentially dangerous. When the death and injury statistics were presented, they were rejected as false reports. When the documented history of the plan, and the patents for these pathogens (and the solutions for them), were offered, they were refused examination … and instead were loudly/violently/emphatically decried as conspiracy theory, and wickedly false. Furthermore, you were considered unloving, untruthful, easily duped, and basically dangerous for society. People, who have been your loving friends, family members, coworkers and neighbors, suddenly looked at you differently, if your offered ideas, hope, or views that didn’t fit the media and CDC narrative. Now your found them addressing you harshly, angrily, or defensively.

The change was radical and very disturbing. Dialogue and discussions were no long allowed. Neither was sharing spaces or giving hugs. The pain of it has been excruciating … especially when people in your church family fell victim to that psychosis. Too often, people, who originally had a sense that the virus scenario was fishy, that the control measures to contain it were overkill … and that the jab was a dangerous agenda and not trustworthy … finally gave in for various reasons (of convenience or pressure … keeping a job … traveling … visiting family … going shopping, or out to dine etc.) For these, it was more desirous to go along with the narrative and its agenda than being excluded, distained, or unpopular. Holding to the possibility that this Covid scenario was a deadly, freedom-stealing, con job was just too costly and possibly unfounded. After all, WHO COULD POSSIBLY BE THAT EVIL TO CREATE, AND TO RELEASE, A PATHOGEN TO SERVE AS A TROJAN HORSE; DRAWING THE POPULATIONS OF THE WORLD INTO A CONTROL AND DEPOPULATION SCHEME? Such a thing was just unfathomable, and far too scary to consider as reality. It was unthinkable! However, this threat is real, and the Lord wants us to understand how these lies gained so much power over human minds and hearts … and how to deal with this issue. We need to know, why it was so easy for believers to bow to the demands, and to be duped into compliance with what is clearly unfolding as hell’s agenda against YHVH’s world.

Isaiah 28:15 … Romans 1:24-25 … 2 Kings 17:14-15 … Isaiah 59:3-5 (acceptance of abortion)

Why do we need to understand how this great deception could happen … and learn from it? It will happen again at the time of the anti-Christ’s arrival. That time around, the trick will take the duped out of salvation, and into eternal separation from YHVH. This is very serious!

2 Peter 2:1-3

2 Thess.2:3-4

Rev. 13:16-17 … Rev. 14:11-12

First, we need to know that we are vulnerable to this level of deception and psychosis because of open doors in our souls. Here are some open doors to consider.

--We have a lack of understanding of who YHVH really is … and what His character and power are all about. He talks; but the majority of the church believes that theoretically, not in personal reality.

--We lack an understanding WHO WE ARE in relation to YHVH. We are beloved and continually cared children for by our loving Father … we are not the afterthought of an apathetic God, nor a creation that is expected to sort things out for ourselves.

--Having pride/hyper confidence in our intellect and in the power of our minds, and what we think we know about our world and about other people.

--Truth is often regarded to be as flexible as opinion. There are absolute truths, but the world does not feel comfortable with that fact. To fit in with the world, sometimes we ignore the absolute truth, and fail to pursue it

--There is the sense that we are masters of our own destiny, and therefore the masters of our own safety and survival.

--There is a deep blindness about the reality of evil, and of the presence of evil, satanic, demonic powers at work in every day of life. It’s too scary, or seems too science fictional … it’s not modern or enlightened to believe in a personified devil and in demons. Hollywood has shown it to be nothing more than entertainment … even fun.

--There is a failure to deal with the issue of death … in reality. For those of us in faith … death was defeated by the cross, so that it is now only a doorway to our eternal home. However, an unresolved, enduring, fear of death causes, even believers, to make wrong decisions about their health and welfare. They will do ANYTHING to stay alive.

--WIDESPREAD Laziness … we want to have others do the research, and do the work of getting the facts. Taking the easy way, we allow media to tell us what’s going on, and what we need to believe about current events, politics, and daily life. The Lord is ready to give us the understanding about what we hear, read, and research, but if we don’t to the work, or consult with Him, we are found making many mistakes and errors.

--We often place our security in things, in people, in finances, in approval, in our abilities, in our control of situations, and in our health. All of that is temporary, shaky and unreliable. When this false security fades, we get fearful, vulnerable to deception, and pulling into reacting. We turn to unwise choices, if those choices promise to help us to regain security and control … if they promise to return life back to normal, or back to the way it was before the crisis.

Romans 1:18-23

We also need to become aware of the traps that the Enemy has set for us.

Psalm 64:2-6

There is a HUGE difference between FEAR-BASED LOGIC AND TRUTH-BASED LOGIC. Both have spiritual implications and both produce fruit. So, what is LOGIC? Logic is a proper, or reasonable way, of thinking about, or understanding something, that is intended to lead to truth in a matter. It is a mental process of judgment, reasoning, applied common sense, and rational soundness in reasoning.

**FEAR-BASED LOGIC leads to error and nonsense because fear innately truncates common sense, rational soundness, and clear thinking. Fear sets aside past knowledge and experience, and ignores/rejects proven facts. Constant doses of implanted fear will cause the brain to stall, and to lock down on any available solution, or explanation, to find relief from the stress. Look at some crazy thinking, and examples of abandonment of the truth, arising from the fear mongering that the political/global powers, and media, have spread across the planet about this virus and vax.

Here are some statements and conclusions that I have personally heard; arising from Fear-Based logic in the past 18 months:

--People must be considered sick until proven healthy

--Healthy people are dangerous and must be tested constantly to prove that they aren’t sick and dangerous to the populations

--Unvaxed people put all the vaxed people at risk and make them sick.

--Good and loving people get vaxed, while the evil, selfish people refuse the jabs.

--People that were trustworthy, and valuable as friends and family, are no longer safe to be around me, or in relationship with me anymore, if they aren’t vaxed.

--Healthy, or asymptomatic, children could be carriers of the virus that will kill their grandparents, so all contact between them should be totally stopped.

--Masks, and even multiple masks, are necessary to keep everyone safe. Masks do not compromise oxygen levels or health. It is important not to breathe fresh air without a mask when you are outside. The germs can travel in the air. It is safe to drive a car with a mask on. Two masks are better than one.

--People with no symptoms of illness must not leave their homes, because they might be silent spreaders … or they might come in contact with another silent spreader.

--You can shut down businesses and destroy livelihoods temporarily, for the greater good, and yet maintain a healthy economy and strong nation. It is the virus that will kill the nation not the shutdowns. The lockdowns protect us.

--We can trust the WHO, the CDC, the NIH and other agencies because they know that facts and are responsible for keeping us safe. They know the deep science that we don’t.

--Professional politicians can make wise health decisions for us. They have the right and the power to tell us what we must do. God tells us to be obedient to these authorities.

--We must keep social distance because the virus can jump 6 feet, even from supposedly healthy people … so if we stand closer than 6 feet, they can make me sick.

--The mainstream media is a trustworthy source of truth and vital information in this crisis.

--No one would lie about this virus and vax, in order to commit genocide, or to rob us of our rights and nation. People are just not that evil.

**TRUTH-BASED LOGIC is able to process events, reports, and evidence with rational, measured, thinking processes. Experience weighs in to examine the reports, the demands, and the course or the solutions demanded by others. Research relieves the stress and brings forth the necessary facts of truth, to guide conclusions, and the choices that need to be made.

Here are some Truth-Based Logic statements, questions, and positions that have been expressed during these 18 months of Covid crisis:

--People are healthy until proven sick by symptoms

--Why are nasal test swabs being forced painfully up into the area of the blood brain barrier, which is never to be touched because of potential danger to the brain? The virus is predominantly present in the mouth and lower nose. Is this a punishment, or maybe a torture to victimize people? What is being transferred into the brain and body from all this repeated testing? Isn’t the pineal gland, in the area of the forehead being impacted by these constant, infrared, temperature readings. A wrist measurement is just as accurate.

--People, who are showing symptoms of illness need to be tested to discover what is making them sick. They need to stay at home with fever and other symptoms.

--If a healthy, asymptomatic, person tests positive, the test method needs to be questioned, not the health of the individual. Why would healthy people be considered sick from a positive PCR test, when the creator of instrument said it should never be used to diagnose any illness?

--If there are many asymptomatic people testing positive, one needs to check out the instrument’s dependability, and any possible agenda operating, that wants people to appear sick.

--The function and the purpose of any vaccines, are to protect the vaccinated people, from acquiring illness from the unvaccinated, or from the environment. The unvaccinated pose no threat to the vaccinated, if the vaccine is real.

--There should never be a moral value judgment placed upon a person’s individual health choices. Vax status does not determine the character, nor the goodness, of a person … i.e. good vs. evil … vaxed vs. unvaxed. The vax choice is not a measure of a person’s heart, motives, and character. Why is this happening?

--Love is stronger than vax status. The hearts of people are as important as their bodies. Why all this cruelty against human hearts … why all the accusation against formerly proven character?

--Children will not kill their grandparents, and they should never be made to carry that responsibility or that fear. Very few children get sick with this illness. Their immune systems knock it down well.

--The immune system, created by YHVH, is strengthen by physical contact. Healthy people are unmasked. Masks reduce oxygen levels. Fresh air and sunshine are good defenses against illness.

--You cannot shut down businesses, and lock down people in their homes for prolonged periods of time, without creating massive destruction. What is the gain, over the price paid? ZERO! Who determines that? When the solution is more deadly, destructive, than the illness, these steps need to stop.

--There is something very suspicious going on when proven, honored, scientists are censored, and when politicians speak as if they are the physicians and scientists … also, when the CDC, WHO, NIH, etc. do not provide evidence or accurate stats. There is some very wrong about forbidding the use of proven safe, inexpensive, easily available, off-patent, and effective medicines against this illness (Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, budesonide, etc.)

--The WHO, the CDC, and the NIH are private, for-profit, businesses with deep ties with, and interests connected to, the pharmaceutical companies. Bill Gates bought a seat on the WHO, when only nation states are to be seated there. Fauci has stock in the company that created the very expensive and dangerous Remdesivir. Why is that recommended treatment? It sounds like a profound conflict of interest. Why is that not a problem? Why doesn’t the media declare those readily proven connections to be conflicts of interest?

--Let’s follow the money trail. All the big pharm, government, media, and business players are connected.

--What is in the contracts that Pfizer demanded be signed with all the nations when purchasing the vaxes? Why are the terms redacted from public view? Why are these Pharms free from any liability resulting in death and disability from these jabs? Why are the Pfizer contracts often demanding national infrastructure as national collateral to insure payments for the vax … collateral that is often connected to national commerce and security?

--Why do people need to have external and internal tracking devices. Who is tracking them? Who is collecting their DNA? Why?

--Why does Biden have an envoy from China frequently at this elbow? Why is China’s economy booming and why is Covid not a huge crisis there?

--Why is mainstream media intentionally denying people hope and constantly preaching fear?

--Why was the definition of, and the conditions to qualify a pandemic, changed by the WHO just months before Covid was released?

--Who wants to strip us of our constitutional rights and destroy our country? Is this the global reset that Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum declared would become our new world order?

--Why did 74 deaths shut down the swine flu vaccine, and yet thousands of deaths have no impact on the vaccine mandates.

--Why are they coming to demand jabs for children, when children have a 99.7% chance of surviving the illness, and then acquiring natural antibodies for lasting herd immunity?

--What exactly is in these injections? Why should we be coerced to take something into our bodies that is not being disclosed to us what it is? What happened to the international laws of the Nuremburg Codes?

-- Why are the hospitals filled with vaxed patients, but the reports by the CDC, etc. suggest that the sick are the unvaxed?

--Why are the vax injuries and deaths being hidden, and why are vaccine passports, worldwide, the demand and goal?

NOTE: There are far more truth-based logic statements than the fear-based ones. That’s because the truth has overwhelming power in the evidence of what is reality, while the fear-based logic depends upon FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL

Those locked into the psychosis of Covid are unable to look at the situation with truth-based logic, once fear has been given a louder voice than the wisdom, truth, and the Lord, and when pride locks onto fear.

When I was considering this phenomenon before the Lord, He spoke the word sextant, saying:

“The sextant of the fearful, and of arrogant, is set on the wrong angle and orientation points; taking them way off course”.

That statement sent me on a search to discover what a sextant is and how it works. Many of you probably know, what I discovered … i.e. that the sextant is a sea navigation instrument that doesn’t need anything but a good eye, a view of the horizon, and a sighting on a celestial body as point of reference, in order for a mariner to sail a true course, or know where he is located at the moment. If the angle is wrong, the determination of the sailor’s present position, and his course, will be in error. He will end up at the wrong place. The stars can be a point of reference at night, and the sun by day in their relative position to the horizon, when using a sextant. Those bodies are constant and reliable.

Psalm 119:34-35 … Isaiah 48:17-18 … Proverbs 3:5-8

Consider the use of the spiritual sextant in this issue of Covid psychosis. Fear causes the people to fixate upon what they are seeing right in front of them, what is being spoken into their minds and ears, and what is being transmitted to them spiritually through satan’s filters … not upon the horizon ahead (i.e. the consequences and the future), and not upon heavenly direction based upon things of YHVH, which are always sure and faithful. They end up navigating into the reefs, or onto the rocks of destruction. Fear causes them to become disoriented, and to forget how to navigate in difficult situations. Pride keeps them second guessing/doubting/contradicting the factual reports, and spiritual soundings of the truth-informed, genuinely educated, truly experienced, wise, Spirit-filled, etc., which are being offered to them. Warning of the wise are dismissed as disinformation. The need to control the situations (to assuage their inflamed emotions) causes them to ignore what has been proven in the past, and what has been established in practice), in favor of the delusions that are appearing in the fog. Many people have actually surrendered their sextant to wicked and deceitful people … trusting them to set their course in the storm.

The people, who are navigating these stormy seas, but staying a wise course, have their point of reference established in the Lord and founded upon His word. They are clearly seeing the horizon … the fulfilled promises of YHVH head of them, and have the correct angle of discernment, and of Godly wisdom, employed in their measurements of the crisis. They know “Who” guides the ship, “Who” governs the storm, and “Who” holds their future in His hands. They are seeing the true horizon beyond the storm. They trust YHVH to get them through the storm and through the shakings, to the appointed safe harbor, or distant shore. Maintaining a proper and safe course comes from heavenly direction and unwavering focus. The wise will not surrender their sextant to anyone.

One of the main principalities promoting this psychosis is the Principality of Python. What is the nature and modis operandi of Python? Just a few elements are these:

--It is a strong territorial spirit that seeks to seize control and authority over regions, governments, and territories. (Haven’t we seen that throughout the world?)

--It is a counterfeit Holy Spirit, that leads, not in the way of truth, but rather in the way of deceit and error. (Acts 16:16 … spirit of Divination is a Python operation)

--This spirit gathers information and intercepts communications that would reveal the destiny of nations, missions, anointing, callings, and the level of spiritual authority that YHVH has assigned to them, so that they can be crushed and stolen by Python.

--It targets intercession and worship; attempting to shut it down … thus halting the gathering of the saints together through lockdown strategies … forbidding singing in church, and forbidding prayer groups to meet. It goes after Kingdom resources and support money, while also undercutting Apostolic authority; seizing all authority illegally.

--It creates false discernment, revelations, and prophesies. Second heaven messages and images are intended to suffocate the direction that heaven brings through the scripture, and through the Holy Spirit … replacing Divine Holy Spirit revelation with 2ndheaven revelation to mislead the people into destruction.

--Manipulation is Python’s tool in order to prosper its control over human emotions, and to skew history, conclusions, and perceptions, so that wrong/dangerous/deadly decisions are made. Witchcraft is heartily at work.

--Python holds a position of high power and dominion as a Principality; it operates as a snake that crushes truth, hope, life, holiness, prosperity, economies, unity, and righteous power … it keeping us from manifesting Kingdom authority and impact. It seeks to crush the power, the voice, the influence, and the authority of the truth-telling Body of Messiah in the world. Python seeks to crush breath of the Holy Spirit out of each one of us … even as the Covid spike protein operates to literally crush the breath out of its victims, as it destroys human health, life, and power.

--Python organizes rebellious forces against the righteous, and promotes violence and isolation of the obedient, faith-filled, servants of YHVH (BLM, ANTIFA, CDC, WHO, NIH, FDA). Thus, we have family and community members rising up against us, and organizations trying to divide and destroy us.

--Python seeks to keep the people from knowing who they are, and from knowing/trusting in their Divine Father. It’s fearful victims are so busy trying to survive the crushing that they let go of truth and hope.

--Python stirs up lies, offense, slander, condemnation, rejection, ungodly authority, suspicion, dread fear, control, division, and containment. (WE HAVE ALL THAT!!!)

--It endeavors to crush the hearts and the faith of the believers. It seeks to strangle the hope and to suffocate the Kingdom vision, so that it totally dies. In this way, the people of YHVH will be unable to fulfill their calling and their destiny. They will be unable to be a light of truth in the darkness of deception that satan has created.

--Python goes after the little ones, so that the next generation never comes into its Divine destiny.

--After it crushes, Python devours.

If a believer, hands over his/her discernment and foundations of truth to the fearful deceptions, idolatry, delusions, and manipulations of the Luciferian lies, the door opens to Python … enabling this principality to crush liberty and life. Relationships are crushed! The walls of sanity are breeched, and the Body of Messiah invaded, along with our nations and cultures. Destiny is stolen as well as human life.

To get out of the trap, and to avoid slipping into the realm of potential psychosis, we need to repent. YHVH will contend for us.

Psalm 35:1-10 … Rev. 2:5 … 2 Cor 7:10

We must fight back; denying Python any power and opportunity in our personal lives, so that our families, communities, and nations can have a chance to come out of this.

--Repentance removes the legal right … so repent of fear, control, doubt, manipulation, domination, idolatry, selfishness, perversions, witchcraft, spiritual laziness, greed, hatred, pride, bitterness, unforgiveness, double-mindedness, trouble making, rage, unforgiveness, rebellion, arrogance etc.

--Admit the guilt, apply the Blood of Yeshua, and receive the forgiveness.

--We must go to the Father and ask Him to close the doors of legal right … then ask Him to rebuke and to bind this Principality away from our lives, families and nations, as we renounce and reject all power that has been given to it. Ask YHVH to assert His authority over all the operatives, and over all those complicit with Python … all those promoting this psychosis and this unholy agenda in our world.

--Our repentance, gives us the power to bind and rebuke the demon that invades human lives as Covid. That demon is Qeteb. (Destruction that lays waste … as in Psalm 91:6)

--Then we must divorce ourselves from all unholy compromise, and set our sextant upon the angle and focal points of YHVH’s reality and Kingdom … and not be moved.

--We must wash ourselves in the word and soak ourselves in worship and praise; renewing our hearts and minds.

--Then we must stand with open eyes and with steadfast hearts on behalf of YHVH’s truth and Kingdom. The Lord stands with us.

This battle continues to rage, but we are not without hope. Daily seek the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2), and ask for your character to be conformed to the character of Yeshua (1 Peter 1:13-14). Stand together and refuse to be divided. Be strong and courageous and never give up (Eph. 4:2-4). BREATHE in the Holy Spirit (John 20:21-22). Embrace each other. Encourage each other. Meet with each other at every opportunity. Forgive each other. Intercede! Bind down the demons that have supported this evil system, and pray for the Lord to remove the tares that are now in leadership and holding wicked control. Be the light in the darkness and the voices that call out the true course to safety and life. This battle will be won. The armies of heaven are with us.

Finally, don’t forget to exhibit love and compassion for/to those locked in the Covid psychosis. Except for YHVH’s grace, all of uswould be there. Speak as the Lord leads. Do not become aggressive or angry. Forgive them for their offenses against you. Pray continually for mercy and grace. Stay the course and believe in the power of the One who created, redeemed, and leads us. Never surrender hope. Be ready to embrace and to comfort those, who will soon see the horror of what this wicked, satanic, agenda of death and deceit has done to them (and to those they love). Much intervention will be necessary. Following this storm, there will be an amazing harvest of awakened souls, who will be in awe of the signs and wonders accomplishing their deliverance at the hand of THE ONE TRUE GOD, YHVH.


1 Chronicles 28:20 … Eph. 6:10 … Jeremiah 20:10-11 … Psalm 118:15-17