May 19, 2020 | Karen Hardin

Lord, we pray that the virus will die and not return a second time and we declare that the misinformation and fear-mongering regarding this virus come to a halt in Jesus Name.

A new twist in the COVID-19 narrative is a mandate some medical facilities are beginning to implement that requires all patients to be tested with the most invasive COVID-19 test before elective medical procedures will be performed.

A friend was scheduled for an elective surgical procedure in Tennessee. She received a call from her doctor’s office three days prior and was told that her procedure could not be performed unless she was first tested for the virus. Additionally, she was informed that once the vaccine is released, medical procedures would be withheld until patients receive the vaccine.

Although the medical professional said she “personally disagreed” with the new “law,” the medical facility had “no choice” but to comply, as it was coming down from the “top.” “This decision is not coming from the hospital,” my friend was told.

So where was this massive overreach actually coming from? The nurse said “the top” so that is where I started.

I immediately called my senator to verify the information and was told no law had passed in the Senate requiring COVID-19 testing before a medical procedure can be performed. I then called my congressman and was told that no bill had passed in the House requiring COVID testing prior to a medical procedure…

With just a few phone calls, we learned the mandatory testing order from “the top” definitely was not coming from the top, as far as a law. In fact, so far no one has been willing to take responsibility for this mandatory action, including the medical group requiring the testing!

It appears in this case that the Division of Health Licensure and Regulation is calling the shots and is able to threaten the doctors and facilities by removing their licenses if they don’t comply.

This should cause great concern in every city as it bypasses the laws of the state and civil rights of citizens. Some will have no choice but to comply in order to receive life-saving treatment.

What if this were you or your son or daughter? Or worse, your elderly parent bullied into the painfully invasive nose swab test?

Perhaps you feel it makes sense to require the test to protect the medical staff or public from further spread. Here’s something to consider. I have had friends in the medical community working directly with COVID-infected patients on a daily basis, none of whom have come down with the disease.

We have never done such extensive pre-testing for any other type influenza, H1N1, SARS, etc. So why now, when the numbers are going down? It doesn’t make sense.

Plus, medical experts have confirmed that COVID-19 testing is not 100% accurate. According to a report on GoodRX.com, “While a positive result indicates an active COVID-19 infection, it does not rule out bacterial infections or co-infections with other viruses.” Additionally, there’s a chance that the test could result in a false positive, in which your test is positive, but you actually don’t have a COVID-19 infection. Nevertheless, at that point you have been labeled as having the virus.

Here’s where some of our leaders want this to take us: Once someone tests positive (real or not), their names are then added to a list in which they will be checked regularly by “contact investigators.” This is a new position that would be created by a partisan bill (HR6666) to keep track of and monitor people who test positive with the virus. The investigators could also begin to monitor any people who have been in contact with someone who tests positive. It may become very far reaching. A health director in California let it slip that investigators may recommend removal from your home if they feel you are a danger to other members of your household! These possibilities depend on state and local laws, as well as federal law.

Concerned yet? Is mandatory testing trying to protect the medical personnel, stop further spread of the virus, or is it really a means of keeping track of us? 

(Source: IFA)

Read more: https://ifapray.org/blog/medical-procedures-denied-in-some-states-unless-we-submit/