
February 20, 2021

NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!

Shabbat shalom!

We are so blessed to have this day of rest in the Lord to shake off the heaviness of the previous week, and to lay aside the concerns that loom large in the future. I don’t know about you, but I look forward, with great expectation, each week to this 7th day, which is set aside for Divine rest to replace my weariness. All warriors and intercessors of the Kingdom need to refuel and to refocus; especially when the battle is as fierce as it is now. This journey is not easy, even though the yoke, assigned for us to individually carry in the company of the Lord, is made easy, when we allow Yeshua to carry the heaviest portion of the load. When we try to handle things on our own, we can become seriously weighed down and dreadfully weakened. But even if we are appropriately carrying the assignments given to us, in proper order and spirit, the darkening environment in which we are living can tax our emotions and our strength. We all need encouragement. We all need a shot of hope and faith when things are threatening to overwhelm us. I have a couple of strategic prayer focus writings that I want to share with you soon. However, on this day of Shabbat, the Lord has told me to hold back on those for a couple of days. He wants to infuse you with encouragement and hope, rather than give you more assignments right now. As a result of His heart’s desire to bring strength and restoration to the weary today, He has asked me to share an experience that He gave me 12 years, 4 months, and 11 days ago. Here is it!

On Sunday evening of June 9, 2007, at 8 PM, I had just finished a sweet time of private prayer. I joined my husband in our family room, where he was sitting in a comfortable chair reading a book. I stretched out on the couch adjacent to his chair, and just enjoyed the peace of the moment. In an instant, I was taken in the Spirit to an experience that was very real, and was fully present in touch, sight, smell, and sound. I don’t know what to call it … an open vision, a translation, or what?? All that I know is that the Lord took me into an experience that was as real as anything I could experience in fully conscious living. I don’t know how long the experience lasted on the clock, but I do remember that when it ended, and when I opened my eyes … still laying on the couch … my husband was looking at me with wide eyes. His first words were: “You went somewhere didn’t you!? I could tell that you weren’t here.” He didn’t tell me how he discerned that, but he was absolutely correct. I was away so that the Lord could teach me something that changed me forever. I have shared it with individuals in the past, but I sense now that I have a call to share it more openly, so that others might find hope in this season of the earth. Therefore, I will copy below what is written in my journal regarding that experience in time. I will make a few comments, regarding it, following the text from my journal.

Sunday, June 9th, 8:00 PM eastern time Kolyah

In an instant, I was in an unfamiliar location. I saw a sheer, vertical, stone facing of a mountain rising up in front of me. It was the dark of night, but light of many bonfires lit up the area, so that I could what was all around me. I was surrounded by utter chaos at the foot of this huge mountain. There was noise, and filth and stench in the midst of the valley over which the mountain loomed large. Surveying this sheer wall of rock, I noticed that periodically, all along the side of this expanse, there were large, knotted ropes hanging down in parallel lines across the mountain face. Where they were attached at the top, was far too distant for anyone to see. The ropes appeared to hang straight down from the top of the mountain to the bottom. Every 7 inches throughout the lengths, a knot was tied in each rope. One knot was placed at an exact distance from the one above and below it throughout the entire length that I was able to see. Clearly these were climbing ropes intended to help people make their way up to the top. I felt a chill of fear run through me, as I looked at the challenge that someone would have to face in making such an impossible ascent. Still, I was curious about what might be at the top. Surely it was less chaotic, noisy and dangerous on top of this mountain than here in this chaotic valley, I thought. While I was considering these things, I heard a familiar voice whisper, “Come up, My beloved … climb.” It sounded like the familiar voice of the Messiah, but it seemed to surround me, rather than to speak from a particular direction. Did I REALLY hear that, or was it my imagination? Was it the enemy trying to deceive me? I heard it again … perhaps a bit more clearly now, because I was focusing hard to discern it. Absolutely, this was the voice of my Messiah. I have heard it many times before. “Come up, My beloved … climb.” I put my hands on one of the ropes, and pulled myself up until my feet locked together, just above the lowest knot; hoisting myself up above the ground. The knot, pressed tightly between my feet, served as a platform for me to “stand” on, as I stretched upward to reach with my hands for the next knot above me. After climbing just above the heads of those still standing at the foot of the mountain, people began to notice what I was doing. There was jeering laughter at first. There were comments suggesting sarcastically that I thought I was someone special … suggesting that I just wanted to be superior to others. My heart protested against these lies. I tried to respond to them. The noise became louder as I looked down at my accusers; making any declaration or protest of self-defense impossible. Suddenly I found myself considering the possibility of climbing back down to silence this abuse … after all, it would be dangerous to climb higher. Besides, more people would see me the higher I went. As weak as I am, I could never make it to the top anyway … wherever the top IS. Before I could change my course, the Master’s voice returned. “Come up, My beloved … climb.” It was a bit louder than I had heard it on the ground. I decided to climb a little higher. He might be on a nearby ledge, rather than at the top. By the time I had climbed a dozen more knots upward, I was very exposed … a target to be viewed by many people. Objects began hitting me on my back, legs, and head. It didn’t physically hurt as much as it hurt my heart. Why were these people doing this to me? What is wrong with climbing at the call of His voice? Didn’t they hear it too? Wouldn’t they expect me to follow the invitation and climb? What does my ascent have to do with them, that they would be so cruel and attacking? I was beginning to become a bit afraid of going back down. The nastiness of their attacks of words and actions was increasing. Rocks were now being thrown. Some of them bounced off of me or off the rock wall and fell back down on the heads of those gathered at the bottom. After a brief, stunned, pause, they began to come again with more fury than before. In the midst of the barrage, His voice again spoke forth the invitation to climb. Now it was very clear and much louder. There was no mistaking the message, nor the speaker. It was Him. He was asking me to climb upward. Looking upward, I still could not see the top in the darkness, but going back down was beginning to look far more risky than continuing to climb. I decided to speed up a bit, and move upward as quickly as I could, to get out of range of the attackers. I could still hear the mocking coming from below.

Taking a pause to rest after a few more minutes of climbing, I glanced down and across the face of the mountainous wall. To my surprise, I discovered that I was not alone. From my current vantage point, I could now clearly see other climbers, ascending on their ropes. Some were farther down than I, while some were nearly up to the point where I was positioned. As I squinted my eyes a bit, I could make out the distant forms of still other climbers, way down the face of the mountain. These were higher up than I was. Looking downward, I could see some of the early climbers hesitating, as they were being battered by the first rounds of jeering. I shouted down to them, “Keep climbing! Do you hear His voice?” Amazingly they could hear me over the clamor. Looking up, they noticed my position. One by one they shouted back, “Yes, I can hear Him.” “Just keep climbing,” I encouraged. My heart was strangely strengthened to know that I wasn’t alone on these ropes. I wasn’t the only oddball to hear His voice and to follow it. There was a kinship arising in my heart for my fellow sufferers; all of us being victimized by the same abusive words and actions. The confirmation of my ability to hear the Master’s voice was also very reassuring.

Before long, I was out of range of the rock throwers. I just wanted to hear His voice again and to keep climbing upward. I focused and climbed. Every once in a while, I would check out my fellow climbers; to note their progress. Every once in a while, one of them would call out encouragement to me, or I would call out the same to them. My arms were becoming very tired now. The pressure of keeping my feet tightly clasped around each subsequent knot was making my leg muscles burn and quiver. My hands were aching and getting raw places on my skin from holding on. How long would this go on? How much more could I endure? Just as I was asking myself these questions, the Master’s voice spoke with even greater volume and strength. “Come up, beloved … climb … climb to Me.” Just hearing that voice and those words brought strength to my body and to my resolve. I continued on.

Progress was slower now. Then … out of the blue … some terrible thoughts came rushing into mind. What if I couldn’t finish what I had started? What if I fell from this height? What was I thinking? Fear began to make my heart melt. It made my grip on the rope weaken. Would the voice that I was hearing and obeying ever allow me to fall? My hands were shaking and bleeding in pain. Where could I go now except up? There was nothing good awaiting me at the bottom, but I had the hope of new intimacy, truth, peace and love awaiting me at the end of this climb. “Help me, Lord,” was the prayer I whispered. “Where else would I go except to the place where You call me to go?” New strength and courage filled me. Fear vanished. Surely, if I fell, He would catch me.

At this point in the climb, I still could not see the top. In great sadness, I saw that another climber had decided to begin to reverse his direction, making his way downward back to the valley. I called to him, but he had lost his resolve to climb. The torment remaining at the bottom was more comforting than the fear, and uncertainty of the climb … a climb being made without the end of it in sight. I paused to breathe for a minute. The clamor that had assaulted me was now out of earshot. The mockers were far away. The sarcastic comments, and the accusing assumptions, about my character and intentions, were now capped under silence. All I could see above was a thick white cloud. Did that mark the top … the end of the ascent? Just before reaching the edge of the cloud, a deafening screech was heard in my ears. Something threatening was flying quickly toward me. I couldn’t make out its form with any clarity, because I quickly closed my eyes and held on more tightly to the rope. I was bracing for the worst. What was I to do? How could I defend myself? I could barely hold on. I had no weapons and absolutely no strength to use them, if I might have had them. How could I defend myself and still hold fast to the rope? The screeching beast made several passes. I could feel the heat of its breath and the brush of its wings each time it passed by me. Its voice made my ears ring and my skin crawl. Was this thing playing with me? It could easily tear at my body or beat upon it, causing me to fall. Its talons surely could pluck me off this rope and carry me to its lair. Then … with crystal clarity and with a volume that was more consuming that the cry of the flying beast … I heard, “Come up, beloved … CLIMB TO ME.” One second, I had felt that all was lost; but in the next second, I could feel nothing but victory. I reached up and pulled the next knot up to my chest. My legs bent and my feet grabbed onto the knot waiting to support them. Instantly, I disappeared into the cloud. It was cool. The beast and its sounds were gone. With the next stretch, pull, and hoist, I found that a patch of green grass was rubbing up against my forearms. In that instant, someone took hold of my weary hands and lifted me up very quickly; planting my feet on solid ground. It was beautiful at the top. I could hear laughter and joy. For a few moments, I felt lightheaded in the new atmosphere. My torn hands were now totally healed and strong again. All fatigue suddenly vanished. Other successful climbers surrounded me, rejoicing in my successful obedience of the accomplished climb. I turned around to look at the view from thishigh mountain. It was breathtakingly beautiful. It was like nothing I had seen before. Someone said, “Speak … try your voice from up here.” I spoke a shout of joy to the Lord, and heard it resonate and echo all the way down into the valley and beyond. What was this all about? Where is the Master? I want to see Him so badly.

Suddenly, I heard His voice. To my disappointment, it was only His voice, not His physical presence. “It’s not yet time for you to see My face, beloved. However, I have called you up to this place, so that you could hear My voice with greater clarity … so that you could speak with greater authority from this place. It took great pain, faith, and courage to get you here. Such efforts will be greatly rewarded. However, your work is not yet done. I want to give you more wisdom and more secrets, to be shared with those, who have not yet heard My voice, and with those who hear it only faintly. Will you bear the insult, as you bear the message? Will you allow Me to fill you afresh, and then return you to the valley with a stronger voice and with a stronger message? If I promise that you will convince many, and at the same time be rejected by multitudes; will you go for Me? If I tell you that you will be rejected by most, and embraced by a precious few; will you go for Me? If I tell you that you will be misunderstood, accused, and persecuted by the bound, but that the love and words, given to you by Me, will free a remnant of those in bondage; will you go for Me? I will take you upon My hand and place you where I need you. You will never again need to climb to this place, for you will be free to return here instantly when I call. Will you return frequently to bring forth even stronger messages? Will you come to receive more from Me? The choice is always yours. I will love and cherish you regardless of your decision. If I say that, in love, I have chosen to need this service from you; will you do this for Me, beloved? Until the day when I fully reveal My face to you … until the day when our eyes will meet, never to be parted … will you go … will you speak … will you love … with you endure … will you serve Me upon the earth? In all things and in all places, I will be with you, giving you strength and victory. Will you trust Me? Rest now. Consider now. Abide now, and always in My love, beloved.”

After those words, the vision/experience ended, and I was again back in the family room of our home.

You can probably sense what a deep experience that was for me. Truly it was lifechanging. Every image, word, and physical impression, from that day and hour, remain permanently etched in my mind as if the experience was yesterday. I have hesitated to share these kinds of supernatural moments with many people, for several reasons. First and foremost, I don’t ever want the focus of the spiritual journey to be on ME. The Lord must always be the primary focus for all of us. I also don’t want to give the impression that I’m more special than anyone else, or to serve as an object of comparison that might cause another person to feel “less than” anyone else. We all have been uniquely wired and created, by the Lord, to fulfill an individual calling that none of us deserves, or are qualified for, or which we can accomplish by ourselves. Having said that, I sense that the Lord wants me to share this revelation broadly, right now, because so much of our world looks like that chaotic valley in the dark of night. Many of the members of the righteous Remnant are already making the climb up the rope, but don’t understand what is happening.

Here is what I sense the Lord is wanting us to glean from the vision, etc.:

**The spiritual conflict of this war is very real, and not imaginary. The voices of mockery, and the attack strategies against the righteous, and against the obedient, are becoming louder and more cruel. The accusations of the attackers are inciting even more threats and distain against us. The assaults are becoming increasing physical against the righteous, as well. Don’t allow the naysayers and attacks to cause you to lay aside your calling, or the truth that you bear for the sake of the Kingdom.

**We need to know that we hear that voice/the call of the Lord for us to go higher … to rise above the fray and into His presence to gain peace and authority as well as healing. We must learn to listen more acutely, and to hear/recognize the Lord’s voice. If that is a struggle for you, ask the Lord to tune your spiritual ears to His voice. Come away and take the time with Him in quiet to listen. Obey what you hear.

**We are being separated out by the hand of the Lord. We need to understand that part of our calling is to endure against the mocking … ignoring it, so that we are enticed/discouraged to stay in the valley of bondage where the masses live. As time passes we will likely come to be assessed as even more dangerous, and deplorable, in the minds and hearts of those, who oppose our God. That’s OK. Souls are sorting out. Evil and Righteousness … truth and falsehood … light and darkness are becoming polar opposites. The compromised “grayness” in the middle will eventually disappear. It’s time that we see evil for what it is, and righteousness for what it supposed to be in the life of the believer.

**We must know that this “upward climb” is a calling for the remnant Body of Messiah, and that the larger institutional church will not participate in it with us. In fact, until there is a full- on awakening revival, the institutional church will likely become the greatest decrier of our truth and faithfulness. Even now there are church leaders telling us to get in line with reality … declaring that we are wrong in thinking that the Lord is speaking and leading … demanding that we yield to human authorities and accept the requirements of man over YHVH … denying that the Body is to be set apart to accomplish greater, supernatural, things, so that the populations can come to understand the power of salvation, and come to freedom, through our testimony.

Obey the Lord and come out of the Babylonian system into the Kingdom Life.

**This experience illustrated to me that we need to stick together, and to encourage each other … particularly those, who have not traveled the road of faith as long as we have. The discouraged need to hear our voice of assurance. They need to know that the Lord talks, and that they ARE hearing Him and that they are not alone. Spiritual maturity comes through being tested and proven. Spiritual authority comes through overcoming.

**We need to experience the price of obedience and to embrace the way of suffering for a higher Kingdom gain, if that is the call of the Lord. We servants are not greater than the Master. He said that there would be a price to serving His Kingdom. Do we believe Him? Are we willing to pay the price? It’s time to consider that question seriously.

**We also must understand that just before we reach the summit of our assignment, or arrive at a victorious breakthrough, satan’s best attackers, or the Great Deceiver himself, may come flying directly at us; seeking to make us let go of the promises and of our faith so that we fall. As long as we cling to the truth that lives within us … as long as we trust that the voice, who calls us, WILL KEEP US SAFE … we can persevere.

**We all have read that we are MORE than conquerors in the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus the Christ) … and that we can do all things through HIM, who strengthens us. Now, we must live out that truth.

**We must trust that our Lord will not allow us to fall. He will catch us and sustain us … holding on to us, enabling us to complete the calling. Only when we are finished with our assignments upon the earth, will we leave the planet to abide with Him. Our departure through death will be His timing and His decision. Satan has nothing to say about it … neither do his operatives that are threatening us.

**We are not alone in this climb. There are others, who have completed the upward journey into revelations and into deeper authority for the Kingdom, before we have. That is something to celebrate, not to compete with. We all have pieces of the puzzle to bring to the table. All are valuable and all are celebrated. We need to humbly learn from each other.

**The clearer view from the mountain gives us a greater compassion for those living blindly and fearfully, in the bondage of the evil, chaotic, valley. That is what enables us to have the heart to return to the fight, after being attacked. The Lord heals our wounds and gives us the joy of victory before the final battle is fully manifested.

**Additionally, the voice that we have, as words spoken from the top of the mountain, travels farther, and has more power/influence, than the voice we have when we stay with our feet on the ground against the high calling of the Lord. After we spend time seated in the 3rd heaven … which is found in deep worship and in deep prayer … entering into His presence through the Holy Spirit … we have new vision, new passion, and greater influence to apply in the ongoing battles.

I believe we are all being tested right now. I look at President Donald J. Trump, Lin Wood, Mike Flynn, Sydney Powell, Amanda Grace, Jim Stockwell, Pastor David Scarlett, Kent Christmas, Hank Kunneman, Veronica West, and so many others. I see how much they have been decried, bludgeoned by lies and falsehoods, mocked, slandered, displaced, etc. And yet, I clearly see them as fellow rope climbers; ascending to the heights and abiding in victory, on behalf of the Kingdom of YHVH. Many are holding, standing and speaking with amazing authority from the place of YHVH’s presence. Each one of us can do the same; according to the amount of grace we have been given for our specific assignments. Living this way is totally up to us. Will we climb in answer to the call?

Many of you may be weary rope climbers right now. If so, hang on and keep climbing. The summit is getting nearer. Some of you may be at the bottom of the mountain and considering if you are equal to the task of climbing the impossible, to reach the goal of the invisible. Seek the Lord. Listen to His voice. Go where He calls you. Trust Him. Some of you may be 7 feet up the rope and being hit by rocks and garbage being thrown at you by individuals … often family members … who are offended by your choice to believe and to climb. Hold on! Keep going! You are not alone. When you can go no further, a strong hand will hold you in your position, and then, at the set time, that mighty hand will grab hold of your wrist and pull you up to the rarefied air of the High Kingdom. There you will be refueled, retooled, restored, refreshed, and recharged to fulfill your destiny as ordained by the Creator. This is the best time to be alive for the Kingdom of YHVH. It is a great honor to be alive and engaged for the Master in this season of the earth.

I pray that sharing this experience, and the insights that I gained from it 12 years ago, will be a blessing of encouragement and strength to you. Very possibly, I was given this experience for exactly this set time. Please feel free to share it with others. If you have a way to get it into the hands of some of the people I mentioned above … those, who have been severely under fire, please do so. We are ONE BODY! We climb for the glory of ONE KING! United we will bring forth a voice that will shake the world by the power of the Holy Spirit … redemption by the blood of the Lamb.

On a side note: Tomorrow evening (Sunday 2.21.21) … 6-7 PM Israel time (11AM-12 noon, USA eastern time) Jews of all streams are being asked to cry out in one voice for the Messiah to come to the earth. Now, there is some question about the form of Messiah that many as asking for … i.e. a human man to save us from COVID and corruption, as opposed to the Son of YHVH. Regardless, I would recommend that we all cry out as believers for the ONE TRUE MESSIAH, YESHUA to RETURN to the earth to remove the corruption and to bring order, righteousness, and wholeness to life. He alone can save our world. Also pray for the eyes of the people to be opened and unveiled so that they can see their true Messiah. This is a great opportunity to pray in the Spirit as one voice, and then watch to see, what the Lord will do. I believe He is willing and ready to act. May this be the initiative that will move His heart and hand.

Be blessed and be prospered in your CLIMB UPWARD!

Much love to you,
