Insight for Intercessors - May 26, 2021



May 26, 2021

NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!

The Aftermath of “Operation Guardian of the Walls”


After 11 grueling days of unrelenting rocket attacks against Israel, one would hope for peace and quiet for a while. While that would be wonderful, it’s not likely to happen in Israel for any length of time, nor in all locations of Israel. After all, this is not just a political battle or a geological conflict. This severe violence against the people, and against the purposes, of YHVH have been going on since the serpent, Satan, was able to trick Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It has continued throughout every generation and intensified after Israel was reestablished as a nation after 2000 years. Everything satanic in origin, in philosophy, in agenda, and in standards will always rage against YHVH, and EVERYONE/EVERYTHING deeply connected with Him. So where do we stand since the ceasefire was called? The usual … lies, Islamic braggadocio, condemnation of Israel, threats/violence against Jews, and outrageous support for the Palestinians and for Gaza. As Solomon wrote: “There is nothing new under the sun!”

Here the key to the issue: Currently there are 20 states on the globe that identify themselves as Arab states. Then there are 50 states in the world, who declare themselves to be Islamic nations. There is ONLY ONE very tiny Jewish State … barely a spot on the global map. If there was any desire (or intention) on the part of the Palestinians for peace with Israel … a true co-existence and a cooperative Two State solution … why would these supposed peace partners be rallying the other Arab and Islamic nations to join in the battle to destroy the Jews, and to take the Land for Islam? In a chorus of voices today, we heard Iran, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hizbullah declaring out loud, and in agreement: "The Jewish state does not deserve to live!" Come on, people of the world!!! This is not empty rhetoric! The Hamas charter of purpose states that the goal is to destroy the Jewish people and to rid the entire land of PALESTINE of their presence. That simply means what they said: ALL OF ISRAEL must be history … NO MORE JEWISH STATE. Why is the global community, and huge numbers of international leaders, the UN, the Biden regime, the EU, etc. clamoring to rebuild Gaza, and to demand that Israel return to the plan of a dictated Two State Solution … where Israel surrenders her land and her security … which will eventually cause her to cease to exist? Israel does not have a death wish. Why would her leaders comply with handing over their nation and its territory? For what? Suicide? For a one-sided fantasy of a peaceful co-existence? It’s because of financial pressure, and the fear of being cut off from the community of nations, that they even go through the motions of considering such an arrangement. It’s been like a never-ending cycle. Israel is attacked without provoking the attack. Hamas and the rest of the Palestinian groups play the victim role, after using their own people as human shields, so that they can claim genocide at the hands of the Jews. The nations prop them up with sympathy and cash (particularly Iran), and they immediately begin to rebuild their military capability. The needs of the Palestinian people are ignored. They, after all, are a necessary sacrifice for the exalted goal of destroying Israel, and setting up the Islamic Caliphate upon its ashes. While it appears that Israel really did some significant damage to Hamas, that terror group is forbidden, by its religious mandates, to EVER admit defeat at the hands of infidels. That’s what Hamas is bragging to the world right now that they beat Israel; declaring that they still have many miles of their best tunnel system untouched, and hundreds of thousands of rockets and missiles in storage for a time of battle with Israel … which will take place in a moment that they will determine. It’s so very frustrating! Either the international western world is brain dead and blind, or the people with authority are complicit with the Islamic plan to destroy all the Jews. Maybe they are keeping the promises that were made by the Grand Mufti of Palestine to Adolph H. in WW2. That promise was that ALL THE JEWS of the Land would be purged; which is exactly what all the Moslem nations have done in history to the Jewish people in Arab nations throughout the world. A few token Jews are often allowed to stay, to serve their Islamic master; but that is all.

Before I continue, I’d like you to read a published letter to the President of South Africa from Chief Rabbi Goldstein. The rabbi expresses the truth very clearly and respectfully.

Open letter to President Ramaphosa from Chief Rabbi Goldstein as published in the Sunday Times, Sunday, 23 May 2021

Dear Mr. President,

Allow me the opportunity of responding to your public letter regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We have debated these issues in private on many occasions and I've appreciated our frank exchanges. I do so, respectfully, this time in public, so that our fellow South Africans can benefit from our conversation around these issues that grip the world.

Mr. President, you have dedicated your life to achieving peace, and sacrificed much for this noble cause.

We all long for peace. We all pray for peace. But we must start with the facts. The Talmud teaches that one of God’s names is Shalom – Peace – and that His “royal signet” is Truth. These two values are intimately connected. There can be no peace without truth. And so, it is from a love for peace that I write this letter about the truths of the situation.

The truth is that this most recent war has nothing to do with the pending evictions from Sheikh Jarrah, which involve a property dispute between title owners and occupants of the homes. The ruling was made by a court of law - part of an independent judiciary on which Jews and Arabs serve – and bears no similarity to the evil forced removals of apartheid. There is no Group Areas Act in Israel, no legally designated areas for specific religious groups, no forced removals based on ethnicity or race.

The truth is that there is no apartheid in Israel. All its citizens are equal before the law, have the right to vote, and serve at every level of government. At this very moment it is the Arab-led parties in Parliament that hold the balance of power and will determine who will form the next government. Israel is a vibrant, liberal democracy with an aggressively free press, complete freedom of speech and association, and the full equality of all its citizens enshrined in law, and there is no segregation of public facilities. Of course, like any free society there are human flaws and prejudices - as there are here in South Africa – but, as we know from bitter experience, that is not the same as legally enforced discrimination.

The truth is that this conflict also has nothing to do with the situation at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Christians, Jews and Muslims can safely practice their faiths, and have free access to all the holy sites.

The status quo at Al-Aqsa has remained unchanged in decades. And though the mosque sits atop the Temple Mount, Judaism’s holiest site, the Israeli government has given custody over the site to a Muslim trust who manage it as a Waqf (an inalienable religious endowment), and bans prayer by Jewish visitors to the site.

The truth is that the ongoing conflict has nothing to do with “the illegal occupation of Palestinian land and the denial of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination”, as you put it in your letter.

Mr. President, if this were so, this conflict would have been resolved decades ago.

There have been many opportunities to establish a Palestinian state – beginning with the UN resolution in 1947 partitioning the area into a Jewish and Arab state. Then there were the years from 1948-1967 when the territories of the West Bank and Gaza were under the control of Jordan and Egypt respectively. For almost two decades, the world, the UN, and the Palestinian leadership had the opportunity to establish a Palestinian state when the territories were under Arab control – but they didn’t. There was no occupation then. And yet no Palestinian state. And no real demand for one.

Since then, over the last two decades alone, in addition to the unilateral disengagement from Gaza, there were two formal offers made by successive Israeli Prime Ministers to establish a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, one including 91% of the West Bank, the other 93% of the West Bank. Both were rejected.

We must understand why all the efforts to establish a Palestinian state failed. If we don’t truthfully confront that question there will never be peace.

Professor Bernard Lewis, the widely respected Middle East historian, asks: “What is this conflict about? Is it about the size of Israel or about its existence?” He suggests that if the conflict is about the size or borders of Israel then it can be resolved peacefully. But “if the issue is the existence of Israel, then clearly it is insoluble by negotiation. There is no compromise between existing and not existing.”

Hamas is open about the fact that it is Israel’s very existence that cannot be tolerated, as it acknowledges explicitly in its charter: “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it...there is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. " Their unambiguous goal is the eradication of the Jewish state, as they make clear by firing thousands of rockets into densely populated civilian areas, from within their own densely populated areas, to maximize casualties on both sides - a double war crime. Unsurprisingly, it is designated a terrorist organization by most democracies in the world.

Mr. President, the values of our South African constitution, which you lovingly drafted on behalf of the people of our country, stand in stark contrast to the genocidal aims of Hamas. There is almost no clause of our Bill of Rights which is not emphatically repudiated by the Hamas charter. As a proud and free democracy, we should align with fellow democracies, like Israel, India, Brazil, Nigeria and the US - all imperfect but all free. And that we should not align with dictatorships like Hamas, or for that matter Russia, China, Iran and Venezuela.

Finally, Mr. President, I implore you to respect the integrity and faith of millions of South Africans who abhor apartheid and the suffering and evil it wrought and yet love and support Israel. Consider the position of so many of our fellow compatriots who know that since the times of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob there has been an unbroken Jewish presence in Israel for almost 4 000 years, including the great commonwealths of King David and King Solomon, and that the Jewish people are indigenous inhabitants of the land and not colonialists. Hear the voices of people across the length and breadth of our country who hold dear the sacred pledge, “If I forget thee, O Jerusalem.” (Psalms 137:5)

May God bless you, Mr. President, and all of us, that we may see the fulfilment of His ancient promise: “For teaching will come forth from Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem … and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares; nation will not lift up sword against nation and neither will they learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4-5)

Chief Rabbi Goldstein

If there is one thing that I wish the institutional church, the humanist Jews, and the progressive citizens of the world could grasp is this fact: Their duplicity and disdain for Israel (the result of believing the propaganda of terrorist/Islamic organizations/nations, as well as humanist doctrines) are what is keeping the hatred of Jews alive, and giving life to this violent conflict … a very demonic life. Christians may not believe that the Tanach (the Old Testament) is valid truth … the Jews may not believe the Brit Chadasha (the New Testament) is valid truth. Because they have neglected the word, the truth, and the reality of YHVH in favor of their human reasoning, and manipulated emotions, they are a huge part of the problem. Anti-Semitism is rife within the church, and Godless humanistic globalism is like a cancer in progressive Judaism. In fact, their replacement theology, and anti-Israelism, are flying right in the face of YHVH and His word.

**Pray that the words of Rabbi Goldstein will penetrate that hearts and minds of all those reading his open letter. Pray that those words will dig in and have lasting impact.

**Pray for the Lord to protect this rabbi from Islamic threats and backlash from his public message of truth.

**Pray for the Lord to do whatever is necessary to wake up, or to course correct, the deceived populations of the church and synagogue … especially the leaders.

**The Lord hates the global humanism which is polluting and misleading His congregations. Pray for a massive spiritual purge of all things Progressive, WOKE, and Humanistic in the church and synagogue. If a proverbial punch in the stomach is what is necessary to cause them to vomit up these doctrines/philosophies of demons, bring it, Lord!

**Father, please release the Spirit of Truth and Revelation!

The following developments in this past week should distress those, who know and love YHVH. They surely need our intercession.

1--Israel’s death toll, from Operation Guardian of the Walls, went to 14, as a 73-year-old woman passed away of wounds she sustained, while running from a rocket toward a shelter. Also, a precious young Israeli family (the Biran family), living in Italy for the purpose of studying, met with tragedy this week. A mountain tram car in which the couple, their two children (boys, age 2 and 5), and their grandparents were riding, had a cable break, and a brake failure because of company negligence. They were sent crashing into the mountain. The whole family was killed except for the 5-year-old son, who has sustained a serious brain injury.

**Pray comfort upon all those, who mourn!

**Pray deep and wide healing (emotionally and physically) upon the surviving 5-year-old boy (Eitan Biran).

2--Two young Israeli’s (age 21 and 23) … one which is an Israeli soldier … were stabbed in the back by a Palestinian attacker near the light rail line adjacent to the Jerusalem Police headquarters on Tuesday. The victims are recovering from moderate wounds, while the 16-year-old high school student was shot dead. He preferred to be a martyr of fame and glory for Islam, rather than live a productive life. Tragic! That young man followed the call of Hamas leaders to strike at Jews and kill them wherever they are found.

**Praise the Lord that these young Israelis were not killed. Pray for them to be totally healed of their wounds.

**Pray that the Lord would strike hard at those Islamic leaders and teachers, who call for these vicious attacks, and who brainwash with lies, the youth, so that they will carry out their satanic wishes.

**Pray that the Lord would visit the youth, who are living under the lies/controls of Islam.

**Pray divine protection over all of the Israelis. Thank Him for it!

3-- U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said: “Washington's support for a two-state solution is the only way to provide hope to Israelis and Palestinians that they can live with equal measures of security, of peace and dignity." "If there isn't positive change, and particularly if we can't find a way to help Palestinians live with more — with more dignity and with more hope, this cycle is likely to repeat itself, and that is in no one's interest.” The words of this man show that he fails to understand that these Hamas leaders were voted into power by the citizens of Gaza. Hamas is supported by the spiritual leaders of Gaza; causing both the population and the imams in Gaza to play a role in creating these problems, and in their subsequent poverty/suffering. It’s not the Jews. Hamas cares very little for the people of Gaza or Ramallah to be living with dignity and hope. Those populations are a means to an end to these Islamists. PERIOD! The way they train very small children to become fighters and suicide bombers, and then reward murderers of Jews, there is no amount of financial support that will be able to give the people what they need. As long as Hamas is armed and in power, the people will suffer and the cycle will continue.

**Only a visitation of the Lord, and a purging of evil powers in Gaza, will give the people a hope and a future. Pray for that.

**Pray that the people of Gaza will be delivered from the demonic control and brain washing that is innate to Islam.

**Pray for them to have a longing for life, rather than aspiring for the death of the Jews.

**Pray for YHVH to rebuke the spirit of Islam … to cage it and to send it into the pit. Muzzle global humanism and tie its hands.

**Pray for the Lord to “knock on the heads” of the international leaders … especially Blinken, and all of the Dems and Republicans … especially those pulling the puppet strings in the Biden regime. Wake them up! Purge them of their stupidity, anti-Semitism, blindness, pride, and programing. If they continue on their present course, the Lord will bitterly curse them (according to Genesis 12:3).

**Pray for YHVH to deal severely with the media for their lies, bias, mind controlling spin, and hatred for Israel.

4--Hamas has been broadcasting huge lies to their people and to the world. It’s what they do best, after killing people. They announced that they had defeated the Jews and decimated Israeli cities with their rockets … that the ceasefire terms that Hamas demanded were accepted by the Israeli government (i.e. that Jews would be forbidden on Temple Mount). They reported that Turkey and Pakistan requested permission, from the countries of Jordan and Iraq, to use their airports to make a coordinated attack on Israel. They went on to say that Biden phoned Bibi Netanyahu to warn him, and to advise him, to immediately call the ceasefire … and that’s why the truce was made … because Islamic forces were about to destroy Israel with their joint power, so Israel bowed to survive. None of that is true. No terms were accepted by Israel. 120 Jews were taken up onto Temple Mount on Sunday, after being restricted for 20 days. Yes, without the Iron Dome Defense System and the Angelic Defense teams of YHVH, many hundreds or thousands of Israelis would have been killed and cities destroyed. However, 90% of all rockets, which were a threat to Israeli life, were taking down by the Iron Dome. And there was no request by Turkey and Pakistan given to Jordan and Iraq … no joint attack planned. That’s pure nonsense. Those nations don’t need the airports of any other nations. They have proven that in other wars. Israel was ready and prepared for other nations to raise up an attack. Ahhh …. the spin of the defeated!

**Praise the Lord for the effectiveness of the Iron Dome against the rockets, and the Iron Beam against the suicide drones. Thank for the Lord for all of Israel’s witty inventions, intelligence, skill, and technology.

**Praise YHVH that His people are being allowed back on top of Temple Mount. Pray that they are kept safe. Pray for the Israeli police and security forces are kept safe as well.

**Pray that the truth will surface to crush the lies, in such a humiliating way that the liars will lose all credibility.

**Praise YHVH that there were no other nations joining in on the attacks against Israel.

5-- Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zahar declared the Hamas position regarding Palestinian statehood, and the goal of Hamas, very clearly. "Islamic and traditional views reject the notion of establishing an independent Palestinian state. Our main goal is to establish a great Islamic state, be it pan-Arabic or pan-Islamic." That is as clear as it gets! So why are the nations of the world pushing this Two State Solution, and pouring many millions of dollars into the Hamas/Gaza coffers to create the conditions for a successful bid for an independent Palestine. When something is so clear, we must conclude, that the goal of the world communities is the destruction/sacrifice of Israel. Are they blind to the realities or don’t they care?

**Humanism believes that the weaker party (financially, materially, militarily etc.) is the underdog and thus always to be considered the victim. Their version, of justice and equality, levels the playing field, and compensates the underdog, until the victim becomes the victimizer.

Pray that YHVH’s rules and standards for receiving blessing or curses will be realized, and applied, to and by these deluded people.

**Pray for the Fear of YHVH to be poured out … and for the revelation of the true meaning of Islam’s goals (declared in their words … being clearly spoken upon the world), would be understood and realized.

**Pray that YHVH would personally seize the massive amount of funds that are being pledged and directed to Hamas in Gaza right now … both above the table and under it.

6--YHVH helped Israel with a couple of key bits of illegal commodities intelligence. The Israeli Defense department announced that intelligence agents discovered that two money exchange companies in Gaza, Arab al-Zin and Al-Merkazia Lazarapa, (owned by Zohir Younes Shmalach), had been very busy helping transfer Iranian funds from the Islamic Republic to the Hamas’ military wing for quite some time. This money laundering/transfer scheme was intercepted, and $4 million in illegal Iranian funds were confiscated by Israel. It was also announced that mere days before Operation Guardian of the Walls began, and just days before rockets began to fly out of Gaza, the IDF seized shipments of chemicals and communications equipment en route to Hamas. Those items would have been very useful to Hamas in that attack. As an added bonus, the IDF also intercepted/blocked a secret shipment of gold worth $300,000 from Gaza to the West Bank. The gold was being smuggles as melted gold, formed into the shape of nails, and then hidden in wooden pallets. I wonder where that gold came from?

**Praise the Lord that the two companies laundering money from Iran into the hands of Hamas military operatives have been caught, and $4 million dollars of illegal funding seized. Praise the Lord that these companies are now blocked from doing any international commerce.

**Praise the Lord for the gift of Iranian gold to Israel. Praise Him for the good intel and sharp discernment, that brought about these interceptions.

**Pray that everything, and anything, illegal, which is being sent into the hands of terrorist, will be discovered and seized.

7--There was a very strange violence that broke out during the Operation Guardian of the Walls, between normally friendly Israeli Arabs and their Jewish neighbors. The stated reason, for the sudden Arab against Jew violence, was that there had been long term discrimination of the Arabs for years. That is so off base that we are led to realize that the uprising was surely spiritual/demonic in origin. Arabs hold positions in the Israeli government, and in all aspects of Israeli life. For the last 10 years, the Israeli government has made unprecedented investments into the Arab neighborhoods and businesses … to the tune of a $4.6 billion socioeconomic aid program, on top of massive infrastructure improvements. What was it that was used by satan to trigger such violence … to deceive, and to cause forgetfulness/discontent, regarding the good life that the Israeli Arabs have living as Israeli citizens? Offense? Entitlement? A Racist spirit? All of the above, and probably some other demons unleashed from Gaza as well.

**Pray that whatever seized the hearts and minds of peaceful Arabs, is now fully removed from their hearts and minds. Pray for healing and deliverance.

**Pray forgiveness to come to all parties.

**Pray for realization, for reconciliation, for restoration and for shalom to come.

**If there are any unresolved inequities, or hurts, on either side, pray that they will be attended to properly.

**Ask YHVH to rebuke Leviathan and send him into the abyss.

8--IRAN is taking bows for being the main supporter and provider of Hamas, Hizbullah and all attacks against Israel. At the same time, the Biden regime is negotiating to rejoin the disastrous Iran deal that Trump has cancelled. Think about that! During the Trump years, much was revealed about Iran’s intentional, rebellious, non-compliance of the deal … and its rejection of monitoring in regard to its nuclear facilities (as outlined in the signed deal). All that was proof that Iran was fully intending to take the millions/billions of “motivation money” (money given to entice Iran into not pursuing nuclear weapons) and invest those funds in promoting/sponsoring/funding terror, and in their secret nuclear technology advancement. THEY’VE NEVER INTENDED TO COMPLY, because as Shiite Moslems, they believe that in order for their 12th Imam (the Imam Mahdi, identified as their messiah) will not come out to the world, to create his global caliphate, until Israel and the West are destroyed, and until the world is in total chaos. So, considering that truth, listen to what US Sec of State Blinken said, in regard to the US coming back into the deal (complete with potentially handing over the billions of dollars to Iran, which Trump withheld). Blinken said: We are fully prepared to go back to the original deal as it was....we don't know if the Iranians are." SERIOUSLY!? The US going back into that disastrous deal AS IT WAS! Who would EVER do that? Who would do that; given the advancement of Iran’s uranium refinement, its stockpiling of nuclear material (since the deal was signed and put into effect), and not allowing the UN nuclear watchdogs to have access to their facilities to monitor them … all of which are blatant violation of the agreement that was signed by Iran with the nations in the pact? That’s just insane! Giving massive amounts of money to the chief supplier of terrorists and weapons in the whole world … and to a nation that is governed by those, who believe their goal in life is to destroy Israel and western civilization by nuclear bombs!!!! These dupes are either totally blinded by their own arrogance, or stupid because of their lack of fear of YHVH. YHVH have mercy! Proof of Iran’s role as the major author of Islamic terror attacks, worldwide, is easy to find. Ismail Haniyeh, on of the main players in Hamas leadership, lauded Iran profusely for its role in the recent conflict, saying: "I thank the Islamic Republic of Iran, who did not hold back with money, weapons and technical support." HELLO!!!???

**Pray for YHVH to do something of shock and awe to wake up these blind and stupid international leaders, who continually support satan’s plans to destroy Israel and the Jewish people.

**Pray for the angels of YHVH to be employed to “mess up” the materials, the technologies, and the supplies of Iran’s deadly agendas.

**There is already such clear evidence and truth being proclaimed and exposed. PRAY that the complicit will be held to account by YHVH … and put to shame and defeat.

**Pray that YHVH would block a renewed Iran nuke deal. Shut it down! Pray confusion and mistrust into the hearts of all those involved with setting up this deal.

**Pray that SOMEONE will hold Iran’s feet to the fire and stop enabling this wickedness. Shake them up, Lord!

**With a new Iranian presidential election coming in mid-June, pray that the Lord would turn the government of that nation upside down, rather than allow this wicked regime to continue to propagate itself. Pray that the members of the Mullah Council will suddenly be unable to serve in any position/capacity.

**Pray for the Body of Messiah, in the underground church of Iran, to be given visions to direct them regarding how to pray, and how to do spiritual warfare to take down the Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Ayatollahs.

**Pray to bring revival in Iran, even as the nuclear facilities are destroyed by the hand of YHVH.

There is so much more that I could present to you. SO MUCH MORE! But I will stop there, so as not to overwhelm you. Certainly, that will be a great deal for you to pray into. Soon I will be writing prayer points to deal with this spreading cancer of global anti-Semitism, physical violence against Jews, and the wicked pro-Palestinian uprising in protests against Israel around the world. It is all so demonically driven. With Black Lives Matter in total support, and in kinship with, Hamas, it’s no wonder the rhetoric and the protests of violence look very much the same for both groups. Their words and tone even sound the same.

On a parting note: We need to pray that traitors in the US government would be exposed for their corruption and anti-American agenda, which is prospering Marxism and Humanism through legislation and executive orders. The persecution of the believers and of the conservative is increasing, as is the anti-Israel sentiment. AOC, Omar, and Tlaib need to be tossed out of the House of Representatives NOW! Their hatred for America, for Christians, for Jews, for democracy, for the Constitution, and for Israel is palpable. The vows they spoke, when they took office, were lies that have been evidenced clearly. They need to go. They have no business sitting in seats of the US government. How outrageous it was to have the BLM flag hanging from the US flag staffs along with the American flag, in all international embassies and government agencies this week. UGH! That alone speaks volumes about the heart and intentions of the current occupiers of high office in this country. Those, who promote racism and violence, and then turn and accuse others of doing those very things, are demonically driven. This nation needs a great deliverance … as do many of the other nations of my readers. WE NEED REVIVAL AND AWAKENING! HELP, LORD! Evil must not win this round. We appeal to heaven and keep speaking the truth as we pray!

Ok, that’s truly the end of my writing for tonight. Thank you for your prayers and for your support. For Zion’s sake I will not be silent. For Jerusalem’s sake I will not hold my peace, until her salvation shines forth like a blazing torch for the whole world to see. Bring it, Lord!! May YHVH bless and keep you!

In Him,



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