Insight for Intercessors - UPDATE ON OPERATION “GUARDIAN OF THE WALL” … DAY 11




May 20, 2021

NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!


Well, it appears that we have a ceasefire. The question is: Will it last for very long. It’s really difficult to know, when you are making a truce with those, who consider lying to an enemy (to deceive him) to be a great admirable virtue. The ceasefire, that was brokered by Pres. General al-Sisi of Egypt went into effect at 2 AM tonight. Thursday evening the Israeli Security Cabinet met and agreed unanimously that it was time to take a breather after 11 days of constant battle. Israel’s military, intelligence, and governmental leaders felt that Operation Guardian of the Walls had achieved its major objectives … to set Hamas way back in its ability to enact war against Israel. Major accomplished has been achieved in successfully remove terror leaders, munition supplies, infrastructure, communications, and terror tunnel system. Actually, they achieved more in 11 days than they had anticipated, because of excellent coordination, planning, skill, and unity of the forces. They applied force as they needed, when they needed it, and to the level that they needed it. As the Israeli humiliation on Hamas (and therefore, Islam) increased, the international scene was becoming more dangerous. Moslems around the world were rallying to come to the support of Hamas, as calls for jihad against all Jews in the world went out. Clearly there was an increase in violence and vitriol, so as much as I would have liked to see them knock out a bit more of the Hamas strongholds, I can understand that at some point, continuing to pound Hamas could backfire on the Israelis. The tide of the nations against Israel had begun to turn. At this point we need to trust the Lord to take care of what we were not able to do.

Some things to note:

**Hamas had constructed 320 miles of tunnels underground throughout the Gaza Strip. The IDF has destroyed more than half of those tunnels … but most importantly, the metro Gaza City network of tunnels, that is the motherlode of terror. Praise the Lord that these tunnels were destroyed. Pray for the utter destruction, by the hand of YHVH, of those that remain. Pray that they will not be rebuilt.

**200 terrorist and leaders met their demise during the past 11 days … some of which had never before been reachable, until Israel had the opportunity to employ their bunker buster bombs against the impenetrable tunnels. Praise the Lord for the effective intel, skill, and weaponry that will make enacting terror attacks more difficult now. Praise the Lord for the witty strategy that enticed all those terrorists to go into the tunnels before they were hit.

** As of 7:00 PM Thursday, from the beginning of operation "Guardian of the Walls", to that hour, 4340 rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip at Israeli territory. At least 640 failed launches dropped on the heads of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Praise the Lord that the casualty list wasn’t much longer, given all those weapons being fired at Israel.

** The Israeli city of Ashkelon took the most hits of any city during this operation. There are 160,000 residents in that city, and approximately 60,000 of those do not have any sort of bomb shelter in their home or near it. While a couple of people there were killed, and several injured, it’s a major miracle that there weren’t far more casualties. Again, the Iron Dome and the angels of YHVH did their job well. Praise the Lord for the safety of this community! Pray that the people of Ashkelon will be able to recover from the emotional and mental trauma of 11 days of being pounded day and night. Pray that shelters will be provided for them before the next war, or military action.

**300 rockets were fired into Israel this final day of the operation. No additional deaths were recorded. Glory to YHVH!

**90% of all rockets, headed into population centers or strategic sites, were intercepted by the Iron Dome Defense System. PRAISE YHVH!!

** Three teams of Egyptian monitors will be coming into Gaza and into Tel Aviv to make sure that the ceasefire conditions are met. Pray that these people will be righteous, honest, and true watchmen, rather than Islamic enablers, and liars against the Jews.

**The Israeli Cabinet ministers are seeking to make the following changes in policy regarding Gaza;

They want targeted assassinations of violent terrorist leaders to continue, regardless of whether there is rocket and mortar fire from Gaza. They want the IDF to make a swift and very harsh military response WHENEVER there is a launch from Gaza … whether that is a rocket, a mortar, or an incendiary balloon to set the fields on fire. Finally, they want the monthly money transfers from Qatar to Gaza … which pass through the hands of the UN … to stop. Too often those funds have been used to conduct, and to sponsor, terrorist activities and infrastructure buildup. Pray that these requests will be granted and followed to the letter.

**Humanitarian aid is to again be brought into Gaza tomorrow. Twice this week, the attempts to bring it in were thwarted by rocket attacks against the crossings. Israel wants strict restrictions and control over cement and building materials being brought into Gaza. Each time they have been brought in, following previous military operations, Hamas has used them to create tunnels. Any funds give to Gaza for rebuilding must be closely monitored, and carefully accounted for.

Pray that there will be a change in this repetitive cycle of terror build up and attack. Lord stop the financial supplies that support terrorist and anti-Semitism. Pray for an honest accounting of where the money goes and what is constructed. Pray that the people benefit from the funds this time around, and not the wealthy terrorists.

So how are the Moslems taking this defeat? Well, given that it is unlawful for any Moslem to ever admit defeat, they needed to spin all the events, and all the destruction, so that it appears that they came out of the battle having the upper hand. Their spin of lies is laughable, and yet tragic, because it indicates that they learned nothing from their actions and presumption.

Here are some quotes, with my comments in italics:

At a rally, Hamas leader, Mashal, stated, "Sure we fired rockets, but the Zionist enemy was the one who started this with its aggression at the al-Aqsa Mosque. Mohammed Deif [the leader of Hamas' military wing] warned the Zionists to not play with fire in al-Aqsa and [the East Jerusalem neighborhood of] Sheikh Jarrah, but they chose not to listen," (Seriously??? For many days during Ramadan, Moslem “worshippers” collected and brought rocks, bricks, firearms, Molotov cocktails etc. into the al-Aqsa mosque. Some Moslems actually proudly posted Facebook photos of the stockpiles of these materials inside the building; waiting for the signal to attack the Jews with them. That signal came on Israel’s Jerusalem Day, May 10th. They began to toss rocks at Jews, as a “response” to a lie regarding some property in East Jerusalem, from which some squatter Arabs were evicted by a legal court order … because they didn’t own the property, and because they had refused to pay rent for living there over a span of many years. When the Israeli forces approached the mosque in an effort to stop the attacks on Jews, the Arabs sent out a cry to the world’s Islamic community that the Zionists were violating their holy place and trying to seize Al-Aksa. It was such an intentional lie, to set up an intentional trap for Israel)

Mashal went on to say, "Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa are our red line. We all understand that these locations are close to our hearts. You cannot separate us [Palestinians] - we are all united in this issue … the people, Jerusalem and the holy places, the siege on Gaza and the right of return. From Al-Aqsa and Sheikh Jarrah, the campaign moved to the West Bank, into Israel and also to Gaza with our rockets. Until we are able to rid of the occupier completely." (Did you catch that? Their campaign continued until they were able to rid the occupier completely. So … either they think they won, or they removed Israel? Last I checked, we are still there, and still standing strongly upon our inheritance from YHVH. Perhaps his word are prophesying that they will remove Israel from the map. They’ll have to go through the God of Israel to do that. The last time I checked the Bible on this matter, the Lord says that when He brings us back to our homeland, WE WILL NEVER BE PLUCKED UP AGAIN.)

Are these Islamic jihadists ready to make peace? Again, Mashal says, "The Palestinian-Arab situation is very bad, but our people stick to their lands and rights and will continue the resistance." (Given that the Ottoman Empire’s Turkish Moslems conquered, and then occupied, the Jewish lands for a few hundred years … and then lost it to the British … Hamas [and all of Islam] considers that Land to eternally be theirs. The Koran says that any land that has ever been under Islamic rule will eternally remain that way. It can’t be owned or occupied by any infidel from that point on … forget about international law, or laws of war. It’s Allah’s law! Any Moslem, who doesn’t take back the Land … any Moslem, who declares that territory to be in the rightful ownership of any other people other than Islamic hands, is condemned to hellfire for eternity. Now that is surely strong motivation to lie about the Land’s ownership and to fight relentlessly to take it back. However, a claim based up a lie and upon error doesn’t make it real or rightful. But at least we know what we’re dealing with year after year.)

Why did Israel “start” this war in Moslem assessments? "Netanyahu tried to take over Israel's agenda so he would not be kicked out of power and be replaced by a different government, so he would not go to jail. This will not happen at the cost of our blood! The Zionists and their leadership will pay for this." (Ahhh … so Hamas fired the first shots, created riots, and attacked Jews, but yet it was Bibi, who started the war, so that he could stay in power as Prime Minister. So, Hamas spilled Jewish and Arab blood because PM Netanyahu started the conflict to stay in power, and yet Hamas started the spilling of blood long before Israel fired the first retaliatory missile. How convoluted is that thinking?)

Another Hamas official was spinning his tales on Al-Jazeera: “Hamas achieved unprecedented support worldwide. Though most messages from the international community are still pro-Israel, the age of Trump has come to an end. There is a crisis within U.S. politics, there are calls for a ceasefire within the American government." (Actually, there was widespread silence in support of Hamas, and quite of bit of criticism from the Arab world until the last couple of days. So, the age of Trump has been ended? That sounds to me as if Trump truly was a stopgap in keeping the Arab aggression in check. The crisis in US politics, of which he speaks, is the remarkable weakness of the Biden regime, and the supporters/members of the Moslem Brotherhood, who are holding positions in the US House of Representatives … and of course there’s the far Left-wing anti-Israel, Jewish in-blood-only, Bernie Sanders in the Senate. There was no pressure for Israel to accept a ceasefire for 10 days. Sorry guys, the world was not with you … only some of your Moslems friends, and advocates of anything rebellious against western civilization and democracy … and of course, those lefty loonies in Hollywood that simply hate Israel.)

Now that the operation has ended, where does Hamas go from here? Again, in the words of Mashal,

"We have entered a new phase. This is different from past rounds of fighting. The resistance in the land of Palestine has been able to lay the groundwork for a strategy to liberate Palestine, and return to al-Aqsa. We bombed Tel Aviv, Ramon [Airport near Eilat] and all of Israel's home front. The Zionist entity does not have an unbeatable army. Israel survives on external support." (Sorry, but those arrogant, deceitful comments are so outrageous that they suggest that this man is delusional. They laid groundwork for a strategy to liberate the land of Palestine and regain the Temple Mount, which they call al-Aqsa? Hamas infrastructure and tunnels are in ruins. They bombed Tel Aviv, Rimon airport in Eilat and ALL of Israel’s homefront? Seriously? They fired some rockets (not a big number) at Tel Aviv, but they did very little damage from hits, because Iron Dome blew them up in flight. The airports were perfectly intact at the time of the ceasefire. They did hit the south and Negev pretty hard, but again, 90% of those lethal rockets were shot down and had no impact except to keep people in their shelters a lot. The rest of Israel was untouched. The 7 rockets fired at Jerusalem never made it to targets. The Galilee was untouched, as was the Jordan Valley. Yes, there was a half a dozen rockets fired into Israel from Lebanon, but they fell into the sea or back into Lebanon. Only an Arab village was hit. Who are these guys kidding with their lies? They got beaten back very badly! And YES, Israel DOESsurvive on external support … from the God of Israel, YHVH. Praise Him! He got one thing right, but even then is clueless about the reality of his statement. How can anyone lie so blatantly. It’s a learned behavior … and one that is rewarded in that culture. Sad!)

But this is the best one … spoken by Abu Ubaida, Hamas armed wing spokesman: "With the help of God, we were able to humiliate the enemy, its fragile entity, and its savage army." He went on to say that if Israel violates the truce, Hamas will hit all of Israel with barrages rockets and missiles. (Hummm … didn’t they try that? Keep in mind that Islam is an oppressive system that is founded upon pride, death, and lies … and that’s because its author and director is the Father of Lies. They operate in his character, nature, and priorities. Lord, deliver them! Who got beaten badly in this 11-day battle? Who is in ruin? It’s not Israel!)

Prayer to raise:

--Praise the Lord for His mighty protection over Israel during this operation. Praise and thank Him for the many, many, miracles that have been reported. (A terrorist positioned to fire upon Israelis at close range had his gun mysteriously jam up so that it wouldn’t fire … a pipe bomb in the hands of a terrorist blows up prematurely … a rocket flies into the nursery of a house in Sderot, where a baby is sleeping in a crib, but the baby is unharmed, and the rocket did not explode. There are many more!)

--Pray for the Spirit of Truth to breakthrough into the hearts of these poor deluded followers of the evil one. Pray for the moment of utter humbling, from the hand of the Lord, that will break their pride, and cause them to abandon their false god in favor of YHVH.

--Pray for YHVH to mercifully send dreams and visions to the Moslem, revealing what they are actually joined to, and where it will take them eternally, without a change in their direction.

--Pray that the demons operating in Gaza in the midst of the rubble and lies, will not attach permanently to the children of Gaza. Many of the little ones are already talking about becoming martyrs for the cause of Palestine’s liberation and for Allah. But pray that they will break through and break out of the system that has devoured the lives of so many of their family members. If they continue as their elders have done, only destruction and loss await them. Mercy, Lord!

--Pray for the Body of Messiah that lives in Gaza. Strengthen them and give the courage and opportunity to demonstrate a better way to live and a more loving God to serve. Keep them safe, Lord!

--Pray that this truce will hold, unless it is the Lord’s time for a continuation of the battle.

--Pray to keep the Israelis and the military on careful alert, even as they get some time to rest and breathe after these challenging days.

--Pray that great praise and thanksgiving will be raised up to YHVH in Israel for the protection and success against their enemies.

--Pray that at some time, these Arab people will see the price of their lies, and where the spirit of blood lust and war has taken them. Pray that their eyes will be open to see what/who they are throwing away their lives, and their freedom, to serve. (The ancient entity, Allah, that Mohammad adopted to be the central god of Islam, was in fact a moon god, and a god of blood lust and war/conquest.)

--As the call for global jihad has gone out to the world community of Moslems, bind down that horrific mandate from hell. Cancel and confuse the message calling or attacks against Jews wherever they are found.

A SPECIAL NOTE OF CONCERN: This Israeli operation with Gaza has inspired a fresh rage, and a vile outpouring of anti-Semitism around the globe. Please pray for protection of the Jewish people wherever they are. Pray for a revelation of the Lord to those who wrongly hate the people of YHVH. Pray for all attackers to be hemmed in by the hand of YHVH. All of you, please keep safe as you stand with Israel.

There is so much more that I could share, but I need to close this and get some sleep. I have a very busy Friday and Shabbat on the schedule. I feel blessed that I can take off a couple of days, now that the ceasefire has kicked in. If the viper raises up its head again, I will be in touch with you. As always, my regular weekly editions of INSIGHT FOR INTERCESSORS, as well as my teaching messages of THE ONE WORD ORDER, and the prophetic updates of A WAKE-UP CALL will come to your inbox as the Lord gives and directs. Meanwhile, keep Israel on the front burner for prayer and have a marvelous Shabbat.

Blessings and love,



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